


Never forget to star a repo

Automatically star all the Neovim plugins you use.

Only works with lazy.nvim, packer and mini.deps.
Please open an issue or PR if you want to use it with another plugin manager.

See :h thanks if you are in Neovim.

🚀 Usage

After installing thanks.nvim, you must first log in to GitHub using the :ThanksGithubAuth command. This step is necessary only once.

Once you're authenticated, you can star all the installed plugins using the :ThanksAll command.
If you have unstar_on_uninstall set to true, it will also unstar the plugins that are not installed anymore.

The initial run may take a minute if you have a lot of plugins, but next runs will be faster due to the utilization of a local cache.
The local cache can be deleted using the :ThanksClearCache command. It will be recreated the next time you execute :ThanksAll.

With the default configuration, every time a new plugin is installed, :ThanksAll will be automatically executed (set star_on_startup to true if you want to check on each Neovim startup, see caveat).

🔧 Requirements and dependencies

📋 Installation

-- add this to your lua/plugins.lua, lua/plugins/init.lua, or the file you keep your other plugins:
    config = true,
    config = function()
	source = "/Users/jasongerber/Documents/neovim-plugins/thanks.nvim",
	checkout = 'dev'

	star_on_install = false, -- not supported by mini.deps, see caveat section of the README or the help

⚙ Configuration

-- Those are the default values and can be ommited
	star_on_install = true,
	star_on_startup = false,
	ignore_repos = {},
	ignore_authors = {},
	unstar_on_uninstall = false,
	ask_before_unstarring = false,
OptionTypeDescriptionDefault value
star_on_installBooleanAutomatically run on install, so you can forget about it and it will automatically star your new plugins (mini.deps does not support this option, see caveat)true
star_on_startupBooleanSame that star_on_install, but run on startup so it check if you have any new plugins everytime you open Neovim. <br>Set to true if beeing always up to date is important to you (see caveat). <br>Default is false so you startup time maniacs won't be disapointed, but if you don't care a file read on startup it is recommended to have it to truefalse
ignore_reposTableRepos you wish to ignore when starring/unstarring eg: { "author/repo" }{}
ignore_authorsTableAuthors you wish to ignore when starring/unstarring (e.g. if you don't want to star you own repos: { "author" }){}
unstar_on_uninstallBooleanUnstar plugins when they are uninstalledfalse
ask_before_unstarringBooleanAsk before unstarring a plugin (unstar the plugin if the prompt is dismissed without n)false

🧰 Commands

:ThanksAllStar all the plugins you have installed (and unstar if unstar_on_uninstall is set to true)
:ThanksGithubAuthAuthenticate with your GitHub account
:ThanksGithubLogoutLogout of your GitHub account (this command only delete the locally saved access token, you still need to revoke app permission manually)
:ThanksClearCacheDelete local cache of starred plugins

🚧 Caveats

🗑️ Uninstall

Uninstall the plugin as you normally would, if you want to clean everything, you can delete the cache file and the saved access token:

rm path/to/jsongerber-thanks.json

To find the path of this file, you can run the following command in neovim:

:lua vim.print(vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/jsongerber-thanks.json")

⌨ Contributing

PRs and issues are always welcome. Make sure to provide as much context as possible when opening one.


Will do if there is demand (open issue or PR)

📜 License

MIT © jsongerber

Shameless plug

See my other plugins: