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Welcome to the Relar repository 🎵


Relar is a cloud music hosting and streaming service for your personal audio file collection. I started it in May 2020 when I became aware that Google Play Music was being removed later that year. Initially, I hoped to offer both free and premium services but I'm starting a new job soon and won't have the necessary time to dedicate to this project. Instead, Relar is now an open source project :)

See it running at https://relar.app


Relar is built using React, Tailwind CSS, Firebase and Snowpack. For the mobile apps, we use the exact same tech in addition to Capacitor for deployment to iOS and Android. We also use a ton of other amazing JavaScript packages such as neverthrow, framer-motion, esbuild, workbox and react-window.


See our Wiki to learn about contributing to the project!


I plan to keep Relar hosted for free (with upload restrictions), implementing features and fixing bugs. Any support would be greatly appreciated ♥



Relar logo made by bqlqn from Flaticon