


<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/jskherman/imprecv/stargazers"> <img alt="Apache-2 License" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Star%20Repo-⭐-1081c2.svg"/> </a> <a href="LICENSE"> <img alt="Apache-2 License" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache%202-brightgreen"/> </a> <a href="https://github.com/jskherman/imprecv/releases"> <img alt="Release" src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/jskherman/imprecv"/> </a> </p>

imprecv is a no-frills curriculum vitae (CV) template for Typst that uses a YAML file for data input in order to version control CV data easily.

This is based on the popular template on Reddit by u/SheetsGiggles and the recommendations of the r/EngineeringResumes wiki.


See example CV and @jskherman's CV:

<table cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse !important; border-spacing: 0 !important;"> <tr> <td> <img src="https://github.com/jskherman/imprecv/raw/main/assets/thumbnail.1.png" alt="Sample CV Page 1"> </td> <td> <img src="https://github.com/jskherman/imprecv/raw/main/assets/thumbnail.2.png" alt="Sample CV Page 2"> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- <div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/jskherman/imprecv/raw/main/assets/thumbnail.1.png" alt="Sample CV Page 1" style="float: left; width: 49%; height: auto;"> <img src="https://github.com/jskherman/imprecv/raw/main/assets/thumbnail.2.png" alt="Sample CV Page 2" style="float: left; width: 49%; height: auto;"> </div> --> <!-- `imprecv` is intended to be used by importing the `cv.typ` file from a "content" file (see [`template.typ`](template/template.typ) as an example). In this content file, call the functions which apply document styles, show CV components, and load CV data from a YAML file (see [`template.yml`](template/template.yml) as an example). Inside the content file you can modify several style variables and even override existing function implementations to your own needs and preferences. ### With the [Typst CLI](https://github.com/typst/typst) The recommended usage with Typst CLI is by adding this `imprecv` repository as a [git submodule](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules). This way, upstream changes can be pulled easily. ```text <your-cv-repo>/ ├── imprecv/ % git submodule | └── cv.typ ├── <your-cv-content>.typ % use #import "imprecv/cv.typ": * └── <your-cv-data>.yml ``` 1. Add [jskherman/imprecv](https://github.com/jskherman/imprecv) as git submodule. into your CV's repo. ```text git submodule add https://github.com/jskherman/imprecv ``` 2. Copy and rename `template.typ` and `template.yml` from the `template` folder to your CV's repo root directory. Use these files as template/starting point for your CV. 3. Run the following to command to automatically recompile your CV file on changes. ```bash typst watch <your-cv-content>.typ ``` Take a look at the [example setup](https://github.com/jskherman/cv.typ-example-repo) for ideas on how to get started. It includes a GitHub action workflow to compile the Typst files to PDF and upload it to Cloudflare R2. -->


This imprecv is intended to be used by importing the template's package entrypoint from a "content" file (see template.typ as an example). In this content file, call the functions which apply document styles, show CV components, and load CV data from a YAML file (see template.yml as an example). Inside the content file you can modify several style variables and even override existing function implementations to your own needs and preferences.

With the Typst CLI

The recommended usage with the Typst CLI is by running the command typst init @preview/imprecv:1.0.1 in your project directory. This will create a new Typst project with the imprecv template and the necessary files to get started. You can then run typst compile template.typ to compile your file to PDF.

Take a look at the example setup for ideas on how to get started. It includes a GitHub action workflow to compile the Typst files to PDF and upload it to Cloudflare R2.

With typst.app

From the Dashboard, select "Start from template", search and choose the imprecv template. From there, decide on a name for your project and click "Create". You can now edit the template files and preview the result on the right.

You can also click the Create project in app button in Typst Universe to create a new project with the imprecv template.

<!-- ### With [typst.app](https://typst.app) 1. Upload the [`cv.typ`](cv.typ), [`utils.typ`](utils.typ), [`template.typ`](template/template.typ). and [`template.yml`](template/template.yml) files to your Typst project. You may rename `template.typ` and `template.yml`. 2. Use `template.typ` and `template.yml` (or whatever the names after you rename it) as a template/starting point for your CV. -->


I'm only doing programming as a hobby so it might take me a while to respond to issues and pull requests. If you would like to contribute to this project, I would be happy to review your pull requests when I can. Thank you for your understanding.