


An experimental Zig Ethereum client.


This repo is very experimental, so you have to do some things once.

We use the Zig v0.13 compiler version.

Initialize git submodules

After pulling this repo for the first time, do:

  1. git submodule init
  2. git submodule update -v

Running tests

You can run something here with:

Now, everything is quite messy until we have a passing test for this official exec-spec-test fixture.

Probably after that, we can refactor a bit the code to create proper modules and define some clear path forward in each module.

Running the client

To run the (wip) client, type

zig build run

By default, the network is mainnet. You can run the sepolia chain configuration by using the network_id option:

zig build run -- --network_id Sepolia

Any other network requires its own chainspec file. You can run a custom chainspec by using the chainspec option:

zig build run -- --chainspec <path to chainspec>.json
