



This study aims to solve the unsupervised outlier detection problem where training data contains some outliers, and any label information about inliers and outliers is not given. We propose a powerful and efficient learning framework to identify inliers in a training data set using deep neural networks. We start with a new observation called the inlier-memorization (IM) effect. When we train a deep generative model with data contaminated with outliers, the model first memorizes inliers before outliers. Exploiting this finding, we develop a new method called the outlier detection via the IM effect (ODIM). The ODIM only requires a few updates; thus, it is time-efficient, tens of times faster than other deep-learning-based algorithms. Also, the ODIM filters out inliers successfully, regardless of the types of data such as tabular and image. For detail, the following paper is described:

Run the Experiments

In this experiments, you can calculate TrainAUC, TrainAP(AveragePrecision), TestAUC and TestAP of datasets using ODIM.

python calculate_AUC_light_all.py --dataset_name_option "adbench_all"  --gpu_num 0 --batch_size 64

And you can change dataset_name_option to one of None, "adbench", "adbench_all", "all".