

Blazor File Drop Zone

NuGet Package Discord


Surround an <input type=file> element by this <FileDropZone> Blazor component to making a zone that accepts drag and drops files.



Step 1. Add the NuGet package of this Blazor component to your Blazor app project.

> dotnet add package Toolbelt.Blazor.FileDropZone

Step 2. Surround <InputFile> component by the <FileDropZone> component.


<!-- "Foo.razor" -->

<InputFile OnChange="OnInputFileChange" />


<!-- "Foo.razor" -->

@using Toolbelt.Blazor.FileDropZone
<FileDropZone class="drop-zone">

  <InputFile OnChange="OnInputFileChange" />


Step 3. Styling the <FileDropZone> component as you want to see.


The <FileDropZone> component will render just a single & plain <div> element outside of child content.

That means the <FileDropZone> component doesn't provide any UI styles.

Instead, <FileDropZone> the component adds/removes the "hover" CSS class to that <div> element when the mouse cursor enters/leaves the component area.

/* "Foo.razor.css" */

::deep .drop-zone {
    padding: 32px;
    border: dashed 2px transparent;
    transition: border linear 0.2s;
::deep .drop-zone.hover {
    border: dashed 2px darkorange;

After doing the above steps, you will get a drag & drop file feature like the following image.


When any files are dropped into the div element that the <FileDropZone> component rendered, the <FileDropZone> component finds a <input type=file> element from an inside of its child content.

And then, the component dispatches the file object that the user dropped to the input element that the component found.

Supported version

Release Note

Release notes


Mozilla Public License Version 2.0