


License: MIT

A ZSH plugin that automatically manages your Node.js versions using NVM based on your current directory.

Tired of manually switching Node versions?

This plugin helps you:

Automatically switch Node.js versions: When you cd into a directory, it automatically runs the nvm use command if you run it before, so you just need to run nvm use once for every directory.


  1. Prerequisites: Make sure you have NVM (Node Version Manager) installed on your system.

  2. Clone or Download:

    • Clone this repository to your ZSH plugins directory:
      git clone https://github.com/jrr997/zsh-nvm-auto-use.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-nvm-auto-use
    • Or download the zsh-nvm-auto-use.plugin.zsh file and place it in your ZSH plugins directory.
  3. Enable the Plugin: Add the plugin to your .zshrc file:

    # dirs that make plugin activate, $HOME by default
    # export NVM_AUTO_USE_DIRS=( "/path/to/where" )
    source $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-nvm-auto-use/nvm-auto-use.plugin.zsh