


A rofi frontend for pass

:warning: DEPRECATED :warning:

This project is deprecated. Please check out autopass.cr. Autopass.cr has all the features of autopass and some more. Migrating is easy, you'll only need to rebuild the cache.




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Other systems


Optionally you can install one of the following browser extensions for better autotype. These add your current URL to your title (and window title) which can be matched by the URL entry in your password entry.


Copied values are cleared from clipboard after 45 seconds

Entry syntax

Create entries as usual with pass insert etc. Edit them with pass edit and add additional properties in the following syntax

user: username
url: https://example.com/login
some_other_property: some value
autotype: [user, ':tab', some_other_property, ':tab', pass, ':tab', ':otp']
autotype_1: [user]
autotype_2: [pass]
autotype_3: user some_other_property :tab pass # this is also ok
window: some site.*- Chromium
otp_secret: my_one_time_password_secret
tan: |
# ...

You can write any kind of key value pairs here as long as it's valid yaml. The keys autotype, autotype_{1-7}, window, otp_secret and tan have special meanings. ':tab' hits - you guessed it - the Tab key, ':enter' hits the Enter key, ':otp' types the current time based one time password, :delay delays the autotype sequence. Make sure you add otp_secret to an entry when using ':otp'.


Default config file:

# you can insert any environment variable inside %{} for it to be replaced by
# the value of that variable. If it needs to be at the beginning of the string
# you have to escape it (e.g. `foo: %{BAR}` will raise an error, `foo: '%{BAR}'`
# will work though)

cache_file: '%{HOME}/.cache/autopass/autopass.cache'
# cache_key: YOUR_KEY_ID
# key_bindings:
#   autotype_tan: Alt+t
#   copy_username: Alt+u
#   copy_password: Alt+p
#   open_browser: Alt+o

# # clipboard command to use:
# # (default)
#   clip_command: 'xclip'
# # or
#   clip_command: 'xclip -selection clipboard'
# # Browsers window names to use for matching
# browsers:
#   - chrome
#   - chromium


You can define global fallbacks for autotype and autotype_{1-7} in the config file located in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autopass. You could override the default behavior of autotype_1 and autotype_2 for example to be reversed: autotype_1: [user], autotype_2: [pass].

Furthermore you can set keys to use for looking up the custom autotype sequence autotype_key: autotype, username username_key: user and password password_key: pass in the config file.

Some users experience problems with alternative autotypes (using the Alt modifier key). It almost certanly is caused by releasing the Alt key only after the autotype has already started. Therefor there's now a config option alt_delay which waits the amount in seconds before starting the autotype for alternative autotypes. The value is 0.5 by default.

Known Problems

xdotool uses the wrong keyboard layout if it is set in xorg.conf.d instead of using the command xkbmap.