


Expression and Velocity Integration


EVI is a python package designed for evaluating multi-modal data integration strategies on combining unspliced, spliced, and RNA velocity gene expression modalities for trajectory inference and disease prediction tasks. For more details on the methods considered and the overall benchmarking pipeline, please read the associated paper:

Ranek, J. S., Stanley, N., and Purvis, J. E. Integrating temporal single-cell gene expression modalities for trajectory inference and disease prediction. Genome Biology. 2022. 23, 1–32


<p align="center"> <img src="/doc/pipeline.png"/> </p>


git clone https://github.com/jranek/EVI.git
cd EVI


Given that there are a number of required python and R packages for benchmarking evaluation, we recommend that you create a conda environment as follows.

conda env create -f venv_EVI.yml
conda activate venv_EVI


This software is licensed under the MIT license (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).

Data access

You can download all of the preprocessed loom and h5ad files from the Zenodo repository. This can be done directly from the website or through the terminal.

If you'd like to list all of the publicly available files for download,

from lxml import html
import requests

r = requests.get(f'https://zenodo.org/record/6587903')
content = html.fromstring(r.content)
hrefs = content.xpath('//a/@href')
files = [i for i in hrefs if i.endswith('?download=1')]
files = np.unique(files)

If you'd like to download an example dataset from the command line, please specify both the zenodo url https://zenodo.org/ and the dataset string identifier from above.

curl 'https://zenodo.org/record/6587903/files/adata_lane.h5ad?download=1' --output adata_lane.h5ad


Given unspliced, spliced, or RNA velocity gene expression modalities, you can compare multi-modal data integration strategies using the evi class as follows.

This class provides two methods following instantiation, integrate() which can be used to integrate gene expression modalities and evaluate_integrate() which can be used to evaluate a method's performance on a prediction task.

# Parameters
# ----------------------------
# adata: Annotated data object
# x1key: string referring to the layer of first matrix in the AnnData object. Can be X, Ms, spliced, unspliced, velocity, or None
# x2key: tring referring to the layer of second matrix in the AnnData object. Can be X, Ms, spliced, unspliced, velocity, or None
# X1: matrix referring to the first data type if x1key unspecified
# X2: matrix referring to the second data type if x2key unspecified
# logX1: boolean referring to whether the first data type should be log transformed. If data type is Ms or velocity, this should be False.
# logX2: boolean referring to whether the second data type should be log transformed. If data type is Ms or velocity, this should be False.
# labels_key: string referring to the key in adata.obs of ground truth labels
# labels: array referring to the labels for every cell if labels_key is unspecified
# int_method: function that specifies the integration method to perform
# int_method_params: dictionary referring to the integration method hyperparameters
# eval_method: function that specifies the evaluation method to perform
# eval_method_params: dictionary referring to the evaluation method hyperparameters
# n_jobs: integer referring to the number of jobs to use in computation 

# Method attributes
# ----------------------------
# model.integrate()
#    performs integration of gene expression modalities

#    Returns:
#        W: sparse graph adjacency matrix of combined data
#        embed: embedding of combined data

# model.evaluate_integrate()
#    performs integration of gene expression modalities and then evaluates method according to the evaluation criteria or task of interest

#    Returns:
#        score_df: dataframe of classification or trajectory inferences scores

# Default
# ----------------------------

import evi
import scanpy as sc

adata = sc.read_h5ad('filename.h5ad')

model = evi.tl.EVI(adata = None, x1key = None, x2key = None, X1 = None, X2 = None, int_method = None,
            int_method_params = None, eval_method = None, eval_method_params = None, logX1 = None,
            logX2 = None, labels_key = None, labels = None, n_jobs = 1)
W, embed = model.integrate()
df = model.evaluate_integrate()

Perform integration

Here we show you an example of how you can use the evi class to integrate gene expression modalities according to a multi-modal data integration strategy of interest. We provide 9 functions to perform integration. Alternatively, if you'd like to integrate your data according to another method of interest, feel free to add the function to the merge.py script.

To perform integration, simply specify the data, whether an individual modality should be log transformed, the integration method, and the integration method hyperparameters. For more details on integration method-specific hyperparameters, please see the input parameters in the merge.py script.

# Example integrating spliced and unspliced modalities using PRECISE

model = evi.tl.EVI(adata = adata, x1key = 'spliced', x2key = 'unspliced', logX1 = True, logX2 = True,
                   int_method = evi.tl.precise, int_method_params = {'n_pvs': 30}, n_jobs = -1)

W, embed = model.integrate()

Evaluate trajectory inference

In this study, we evaluated the performance of multi-modal data integration strategies on combining gene expression modalities to infer a biologically meaningful trajectory. To do so, we compare predicted trajectories to a ground truth reference trajectory curated from the literature. If you'd like to perform trajectory inference evaluation, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Construct ground truth trajectory

milestone_network = pd.DataFrame({"from": ["LTHSC_broad", "MPP_broad", "MPP_broad","LMPP_broad","CMP_broad","CMP_broad"],
                                  "to": ["MPP_broad", "CMP_broad", "LMPP_broad", "GMP_broad","MEP_broad","GMP_broad"],
                                  "length": np.ones(shape = (1, 6)).flatten(),
                                  "directed": np.repeat(True, 6)})

# Parameters
# ----------------------------
# adata: annotated data object
# cluster_key: string referring to the ground truth labels key in adata object
# milestone_network: trajectory network consisting of groups and edges between them
# counts: raw count matrix of ground truth data. If None uses the adata.layers['raw_spliced'] layer
# expression: normalized and log transformed matrix of ground truth data. If None uses adata.X
# group_ids: series object of cluster names for every cell. If None, uses cluster_key
# cell_ids: series object of cell names. If None, uses adata.obs.index
# feature_ids: series object of feature names. If None, uses adata.var_names
# filename: string referring to the filename for saving

evi.tl.construct_ground_trajectory(adata, cluster_key = 'cell_types_broad_cleaned', milestone_network = milestone_network,
                                  counts = adata.layers['raw_spliced'], expression = adata.X, filename = 'gt_nestorowa')

Step 2: Perform trajectory inference evaluation

# Example for trajectory inference performance following moments of spliced and RNA velocity integration using SNF and PAGA:

eval_method_params = {'root_cluster': 'LTHSC_broad', 'n_dcs': 20, 'connectivity_cutoff':0.05, 'root_cell': 646, 'ground_trajectory': 'gt_nestorowa'}

model = evi.tl.EVI(adata = adata, x1key = 'Ms', x2key = 'velocity',
                    logX1 = False, logX2 = False, labels_key = 'cell_types_broad_cleaned',
                    int_method = evi.tl.snf, int_method_params = {'k':10, 'mu':0.7, 'K': 50},
                    eval_method = evi.tl.ti_paga, eval_method_params = eval_method_params, n_jobs = -1)

df = model.evaluate_integrate() #scores according to metrics in dynverse, where hmean refers to the trajectory inference correlation score of cell distance and feature importance score correlations

Evaluate classification

If you'd like to evaluate an integration method's performance on perturbation or disease state classification, we provide two strategies for doing so: label propagation and support vector machine classification. Alternatively, if you'd like to provide your own classification function, feel free to add it to the infer.py script.

# Example for label propagation classification following moments of spliced and RNA velocity integration using concatenation:

model = evi.tl.EVI(adata = adata, x1key = 'Ms', x2key = 'velocity', logX1 = False, logX2 = False,
                   labels_key = 'condition_broad', int_method = evi.tl.concat_merge,
                   int_method_params = {'k': 10}, eval_method = evi.tl.lp,
                   eval_method_params = {'train_size': 0.5, 'random_state': 0, 'metrics': ['F1', 'balanced_accuracy', 'auc', 'precision', 'accuracy']}, n_jobs = -1)
df = model.evaluate_integrate() #scores according to metrics in eval_method_params

# Example for SVM classification using one data modality - spliced gene expression:

model = evi.tl.EVI(adata = adata, x1key = 'spliced', logX1 = True, labels_key = 'condition_broad',
                   int_method = evi.tl.expression, int_method_params = {'k': 10}, eval_method = evi.tl.svm,
                   eval_method_params = {'random_state': 0, 'metrics': ['F1', 'balanced_accuracy', 'auc', 'precision', 'accuracy']}, n_jobs = -1)

df = model.evaluate_integrate() #scores according to metrics in eval_method_params