

class.upload.php <= 2.0.3 Arbitrary file upload


This is a filter bypass exploit that results in arbitrary file upload and remote code execution. The class.upload.php script filters "dangerous files and content" and renames them to the txt file extension. It also does different type of transformation on the uploaded image, which would normally destroy any injected payload, even if the file extension filter could be bypassed.

The file extension filter is a blacklist, so any time a new extension is introduced (in this case phar), or any has been missed, a PHP file can be uploaded. The content must still be a valid image however and will still go through the imagecreatefromjpeg and similar functions. For this purpose I wrote the inject.php script which will essentially bruteforce its way through different images until it finds one where the payload will not be destroyed by the process done in class.upload.php. This effectively gives us an arbitrary file upload and a very stealthy code execution since it's still a valid image and will be displayed like one on pages where uploaded.

Timeline (90 day default deadline)

Files included in this PoC


The upload.php script is the example code from verot.net's github. I thought it would be best to demonstrate this vulnerability using their own example code.


user@ayu:/var/www/html# php inject.php 
-=Imagejpeg injector 1.7=-
[+] Fetching image (100 X 100) from http://lorempixel.com/100/100/
[+] Jumping to end byte
[+] Searching for valid injection point
[!] Temp solution, if you get a 'recoverable parse error' here, it means it probably failed
[+] It seems like it worked!
[+] Result file: image.jpg.phar
user@ayu:/var/www/html# curl -v -o - http://localhost/images/image_resized.phar?c=uname%20-a | grep -aPo "(Linux.*GNU)"
Linux ayu 5.0.0-36-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 12 09:46:06 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU

Proposed solution


Example attack in the Joomla K2 extension

Arbitrary file upload leading to remote code execution in JoomlaWorks K2 <= 2.10.1 due to unpatched version of class.upload.php


Sample images

A regular user uploads the image generated by inject.php, containing a simple payload. It will bypass the extension filter in class.upload.php and not be destroyed by the image handling made in the library. It will render like a regular image, which is more subtle.

<kbd> <img src="/k2-1.png?raw=true"> </kbd>

The file will be uploaded and can be accessed as a backdoor and execute commands.

<kbd> <img src="/k2-2.png?raw=true"> </kbd>