


NEW: Settings Menu Added! Ability to disable/enable barcode types which are able to be scanned

Barcode scanner using the scanning capabilities introduced with iOS 7.

The project as is goes straight into scanning mode to which it constantly looks for barcodes to be scanned. In the viewDidLoad(), it sets the property found in the .h file (allowedBarcodeTypes) to only look for those specific barcodes. This is editable and extremely useful. When an allowed barcode is found, it takes in the data, creates a Barcode object with it, and adds that object to the collection of found barcodes. An alert is then presented telling the user the kind of barcode found, number of barcodes found in the past, and giving the option to scan again or be finished.

To use:




Coming soon:

NOTE: Code used in this example is used from a fine tutorial series covered in this book. Click the link to follow through - http://www.raywenderlich.com/store/ios-7-by-tutorials