

Extension Purpose

This Fiddler Extension is an Office 365 / Microsoft 365 centric parser to efficiently troubleshoot Office 365 client application connectivity and functionality.

Extension Installation

Deployment Script

Earlier versions of the extension were deployed with a .net installer. You're best off uninstalling these before installing the newer version with the deployment script. However, it isn't necessary, the deployment script will remove old versions of the extension dll when running the install routine.

The best way to get the Office 365 Fiddler Extension is via the deployment script. Run the below in PowerShell on your computer:

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://aka.ms/Deploy-Office365FiddlerExtension')

Don't want to use the aka.ms short link, or not working? Use this link instead, it pulls directly from this Github repository:

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jprknight/Office365FiddlerExtension/master/Office365FiddlerExtension/Deploy-Office365FiddlerExtension.ps1')

The deployment script allows you to upgrade to v2.0.3, and just in case there's any issues you can downgrade to v1.0.78. Please report any issues you encounter: https://github.com/jprknight/Office365FiddlerExtension/issues.

Manual Install

Download the Office365FiddlerExtension.zip file and extract the contents into your \Fiddler\Inspectors and \Fiddler\Scripts installation folder. Fiddler will then load the extension the next time it loads.

You're expecting to extract these files to both of the folders above for the extension to successfully run:

How To Use The Extension

  1. Reproduce an issue from the computer where it is seen:

NOTE: You don't need the extension installed on the computer where the issue is seen.

  1. Review the result on your own computer by installing Fiddler Classic, installing the extension, and...

Functionality Breakdown

Colourisation of sessions

The extension enhances the default experience of Fiddler by colouring sessions in line with the session analysis performed.

Think traffic lights, with some extras.

User Interface

O365FE-V2 0 03-Extension-Controls

Session Columns

Columns are added into the session view on the left side of Fiddler, scroll the view to the right if you don't immediately see them. Re-order the columns to your preferences.

Other Information

Project Links

Wiki: https://aka.ms/O365FiddlerExtensionWiki

Issues: https://aka.ms/O365FiddlerExtensionIssues

Download: https://aka.ms/O365FiddlerExtension

EHLO team blog post: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/introducing-the-exchange-online-fiddler-extension/ba-p/608788