


A small Lua module for executing processes. It's primarily intended to be used with OpenResty, but will work in regular Lua applications as well. When used with OpenResty, it's completely non-blocking (otherwise it falls back to using LuaSocket and does block).

It's similar to (and inspired by) lua-resty-shell, the primary difference being this module uses sockexec, which doesn't spawn a shell - instead you provide an array of argument strings, which means you don't need to worry about shell escaping/quoting/parsing rules.

Additionally, as of version 2.0.0, you can use resty.exec.socket to access a lower-level interface that allows two-way communication with programs. You can read and write to running applications!

This requires your web server to have an active instance of sockexec running.



lua-resty-exec is available on luarocks as well as opm, you can install it with luarocks install lua-resty-exec or opm get jprjr/lua-resty-exec.

If you're using this outside of OpenResty, you'll also need the LuaSocket module installed, ie luarocks install luasocket.

Additionally, you'll need sockexec running, see its repo for instructions.

resty.exec Usage

local exec = require'resty.exec'
local prog = exec.new('/tmp/exec.sock')

Creates a new prog object, using /tmp/exec.sock for its connection to sockexec.

From there, you can use prog in a couple of different ways:


local res, err = prog('uname')

-- res = { stdout = "Linux\n", stderr = nil, exitcode = 0, termsig = nil }
-- err = nil


This will run uname, with no data on stdin.

Returns a table of output/error codes, with err set to any errors encountered.

Setup argv beforehand

prog.argv = { 'uname', '-a' }
local res, err = prog()

-- res = { stdout = "Linux localhost 3.10.18 #1 SMP Tue Aug 2 21:08:34 PDT 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n", stderr = nil, exitcode = 0, termsig = nil }
-- err = nil


Setup stdin beforehand

prog.stdin = 'this is neat!'
local res, err = prog('cat')

-- res = { stdout = "this is neat!", stderr = nil, exitcode = 0, termsig = nil }
-- err = nil


Call with explicit argv, stdin data, stdout/stderr callbacks

local res, err = prog( {
    argv = 'cat',
    stdin = 'fun!',
    stdout = function(data) print(data) end,
    stderr = function(data) print("error:", data) end
} )

-- res = { stdout = nil, stderr = nil, exitcode = 0, termsig = nil }
-- err = nil
-- 'fun!' is printed

Note: here argv is a string, which is fine if your program doesn't need any arguments.

Setup stdout/stderr callbacks

If you set prog.stdout or prog.stderr to a function, it will be called for each chunk of stdout/stderr data received.

Please note that there's no guarantees of stdout/stderr being a complete string, or anything particularly sensible for that matter!

prog.stdout = function(data)

local res, err = prog('some-program')

Treat timeouts as non-errors

By default, sockexec treats a timeout as an error. You can disable this by setting the object's timeout_fatal key to false. Examples:

-- set timeout_fatal = false on the prog objects
prog.timeout_fatal = false

-- or, set it at calltime:
local res, err = prog({argv = {'cat'}, timeout_fatal = false})

But I actually want a shell!

Not a problem! You can just do something like:

local res, err = prog('bash','-c','echo $PATH')

Or if you want to run an entire script:

prog.stdin = script_data
local res, err = prog('bash')

-- this is roughly equivalent to running `bash < script` on the CLI

Daemonizing processes

I generally recommend against daemonizing processes - I think it's far better to use some kind of message queue and/or supervision system, so you can monitor processes, take actions on failure, and so on.

That said, if you want to spin off some process, you could use start-stop-daemon, ie:

local res, err = prog('start-stop-daemon','--pidfile','/dev/null','--background','--exec','/usr/bin/sleep', '--start','--','10')

will spawn sleep 10 as a detached background process.

If you don't want to deal with start-stop-daemon, I have a small utility for spawning a background program called idgaf, ie:

local res, err = prog('idgaf','sleep','10')

This will basically accomplish the same thing start-stop-daemon does without requiring a billion flags.

resty.exec.socket Usage

local exec_socket = require'resty.exec.socket'

-- you can specify timeout in milliseconds, optional
local client = exec_socket:new({ timeout = 60000 })

-- every new program instance requires a new
-- call to connect
local ok, err = client:connect('/tmp/exec.sock')

-- send program arguments, only accepts a table of
-- arguments

-- send data for stdin
client:send('hello there')

-- receive data
local data, typ, err = client:receive()

-- `typ` can be one of:
--    `stdout`   - data from the program's stdout
--    `stderr`   - data from the program's stderr
--    `exitcode` - the program's exit code
--    `termsig`  - if terminated via signal, what signal was used

-- if `err` is set, data and typ will be nil
-- common `err` values are `closed` and `timeout`
print(string.format('Received %s data: %s',typ,data)
-- will print 'Received stdout data: hello there'

client:send('hey this cat process is still running')
data, typ, err = client:receive()
print(string.format('Received %s data: %s',typ,data)
-- will print 'Received stdout data: hey this cat process is still running'

client:send_close() -- closes stdin
data, typ, err = client:receive()
print(string.format('Received %s data: %s',typ,data)
-- will print 'Received exitcode data: 0'

data, typ, err = client:receive()
print(err) -- will print 'closed'

client object methods:

Connects via unix socket to the path given. If this is running in nginx, the unix: string will be prepended automatically.

Sends a table of arguments to sockexec and starts the program.

Sends data to the program's standard input

Just a shortcut to client:send_data(data)

Closes the program's standard input. You can also send an empty string, like client:send_data('')

Receives data from the running process. typ indicates the type of data, which can be stdout, stderr, termsig, exitcode

err is typically either closed or timeout

Forcefully closes the client connection

A getfd method, useful if you want to monitor the underlying socket connection in a select loop

Some example nginx configs

Assuming you're running sockexec at /tmp/exec.sock

$ sockexec /tmp/exec.sock

Then in your nginx config:

location /uname-1 {
    content_by_lua_block {
        local prog = require'resty.exec'.new('/tmp/exec.sock')
        local data,err = prog('uname')
        if(err) then
location /uname-2 {
    content_by_lua_block {
        local prog = require'resty.exec'.new('/tmp/exec.sock')
        prog.argv = { 'uname', '-a' }
        local data,err = prog()
        if(err) then
location /cat-1 {
    content_by_lua_block {
        local prog = require'resty.exec'.new('/tmp/exec.sock')
        prog.stdin = 'this is neat!'
        local data,err = prog('cat')
        if(err) then
location /cat-2 {
    content_by_lua_block {
        local prog = require'resty.exec'.new('/tmp/exec.sock')
        local data,err = prog({argv = 'cat', stdin = 'awesome'})
        if(err) then
location /slow-print {
    content_by_lua_block {
        local prog = require'resty.exec'.new('/tmp/exec.sock')
        prog.stdout = function(v)
    # look in `/misc` of this repo for `slow-print`
location /shell {
    content_by_lua_block {
        local prog = require'resty.exec'.new('/tmp/exec.sock')
        local data, err = prog('bash','-c','echo $PATH')
        if(err) then


MIT license (see LICENSE)