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🚀 Vert.x Boot

An Eclipse Vert.x verticle to boot an application from HOCON configuration.

The goal of this micro-library is to offer a simple way to deploy verticles from a HOCON configuration. More specifically, it allows to:

  1. specify what verticles to deploy, and
  2. specify how many instances of each verticle to deploy, and
  3. pass some JSON configuration (HOCON is a superset of JSON).


The library is being published to both Maven Central and Bintray JCenter.

Configuring Vert.x Boot

The HOCON configuration is fetched with lightbend/config using the standard behavior so please check the corresponding documentation for overriding files, resources and also overriding values using system properties and environment variables. You can use all of the nice features in HOCON, really (includes, substitutions, etc).

The HOCON configuration can be larger than what is required for Vert.x Boot.

Basic configuration

Here is an example:

vertx-boot {

  verticles {

    foo {
      name = "io.github.jponge.vertx.boot.samples.FooVerticle"
      instances = 4

    bar {
      name = "io.github.jponge.vertx.boot.samples.BarVerticle"
      instances = 2
      configuration.a = "abc"
      configuration.b = "def"
      configuration {
        c = 123
        d = [1, 2, 3]
    baz {
      name = "io.github.jponge.vertx.boot.samples.FooVerticle"

Each verticle key (e.g., foo and bar in the example above) is purely decorative. A verticle class can be deployed more than once with different configurations and instance count.

The instance and configuration keys in verticles are optional: by default a single instance is being deployed, and the configuration is an empty JSON object.

Advanced configuration

More advanced settings are available to match Vert.x DeploymentOptions:

Here is a sample advanced configuration:

vertx-boot {
  verticles {
    foo {
      name = "io.github.jponge.vertx.boot.samples.FooVerticle"
      instances = 4
      worker = true
      worker-pool-name = "Fooz"
      worker-pool-size = 4
      configuration {
        a = 1
        b = 2

Using the verticle

The verticle class is io.github.jponge.vertx.boot.BootVerticle.

You can deploy it programmatically and it will then deploy the other verticles.

If you create a fat jar and rely on the Main-Verticle manifest entry and the io.vertx.core.Launcher main class, then all you have to do is point the Main-Verticle entry to io.github.jponge.vertx.boot.BootVerticle.


Feel-free to report issues and propose pull-requests!