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A plugin for JupyterLab that lets you set up and use as many filebrowsers as you like, connected to whatever local and/or remote filesystem-like resources you want.

The backend is built on top of PyFilesystem, while the frontend is built on top of JupyterLab Filetree.


pip install jupyter-fs


Add the following to your jupyter_server_config.json:

  "ServerApp": {
    "contents_manager_class": "jupyterfs.metamanager.MetaManager",
    "jpserver_extensions": {
      "jupyterfs.extension": true

Simple use (no auth/credentials)

Add specifications for additional contents managers in your user settings (in the Settings menu under Advanced Settings Editor -> jupyter-fs). Here's an example config that sets up several new filebrowsers side-by-side:

  "resources": [
      "name": "root at test dir",
      "url": "osfs:///Users/foo/test"
      "name": "s3 test bucket",
      "url": "s3://test"
      "name": "s3 test key",
      "url": "s3://test-2/prefix/",
      "defaultWritable": false
      "name": "samba guest share",
      "url": "smb://guest@"

You should see your new filebrowsers pop up in the left-hand sidebar instantly when you save your settings:

Use with auth/credentials

Any stretch of a "url" that is enclosed in double-brackets {{VAR}} will be treated as a template, and will be handled by jupyter-fs's auth system. For example, you can pass a username/password to the "samba guest share" resource in the Simple use example above by modifying its "url" like so:

  "resources": [

      "name": "samba share",
      "url": "smb://{{user}}:{{passwd}}@"

When you save the above "resouces" config, a dialog box will pop asking for the username and passwd values:

Once you enter those values and hit ok, the new filebrowsers will then immediately appear in the sidebar:

The auth dialog will only appear when needed

The jupyter-fs auth dialog will only appear when:

Supported filesystems

The type of resource each filebrowser will point to is determined by the protocol at the start of its url:

jupyter-fs can open a filebrowser pointing to any of the diverse resources supported by PyFilesystem. Currently, we test only test the S3 and smb/samba backends as part of our CI, so your milleage may vary with the other PyFilesystem backends.

The filesystem url

The "url" field jupyter-fs config is based on the PyFilesystem opener url standard. For more info on how to write these urls, see the documentation of the relevant PyFilesystem plugin:

Server-side settings

If you prefer to set up your filesystem resources in the server-side config, you can do so. For example, you can set up a local filesystem by adding the following to your jupyter_server_config.py file:

c.JupyterFs.resources = [
        "name": "local_test",
        "url": "osfs:///Users/foo/test"

ALternatively, you can add resource specifications alongside the basic jupyter-fs config in your jupyter_server_config.json file:

  "ServerApp": {
    "contents_manager_class": "jupyterfs.metamanager.MetaManager",
    "jpserver_extensions": {
      "jupyterfs.extension": true
  "JupyterFs": {
    "resources": [
        "name": "local_test",
        "url": "osfs:///Users/foo/test"

Any filesystem resources specified in any server-side config file will be merged with the resources given in a user's settings.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for guidelines.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE and AUTHORS files for details.