Visualize and explore your solidity smart contracts.
Before anything install:
- Java
- Leiningen
Now clone the repo and run :
$ lein uberjar
You should find smart-view.jar file under target folder now.
$ java -jar ./target/smart-view.jar full-path-to-solidity-files-folder
Now open http://localhost:3001
How does it looks?
The simplest view shows just contracts hierarchy.
<img src="/docs/contracts-map-empty.png?raw=true"/>You can use the controls on the left to enable vars, functions and events.
<img src="/docs/contracts-map-menu.png?raw=true"/>Red items means private while green ones means public.
<img src="/docs/contracts-map-all.png?raw=true"/>How does it works?
- It walks over every solidity file inside full-path-to-solidity-files-folder
- Parses its contents using antlr4 and this grammar
- From the AST, generates a bunch of facts inside a datascript database (functions, vars, enums, structs, events ...)
- Serializes the database, and sends it to a SPA for querying facts and generate visualizations
Since you end up with a database inside the browser full of facts about your smart contracts, lots of querys and visualizations can be derived.
- Add support for