A reagent component for laying out tree nodes in 2D space. If you are not using reagent but want to draw trees your own way check clj-tree-layout.
- Tidy tree representations as per Tilford and Reingold aesthetics rules.
- Customizable node render function with any reagent component.
(ns tester.core
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[reagent-flowgraph.core :refer [flowgraph]]))
(defonce app-state (r/atom '(+ 1 2 (- 4 2) (/ 123 3) (inc 25))))
(defn app []
[flowgraph @app-state
:layout-width 1500
:layout-height 500
:branch-fn #(when (seq? %) %)
:childs-fn #(when (seq? %) %)
:render-fn (fn [n] [:div {:style {:border "1px solid black"
:padding "10px"
:border-radius "10px"}}
(str n)] )]])
(defn init []
(r/render [app] (.getElementById js/document "app")))
and that will render
<img src="/doc/images/reagent-tree-example-simple.png?raw=true"/>A more colorful example. Supouse we want to draw some aspects of the clojurescript analyzer output tree.
(ns tester.core
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[reagent-flowgraph.core :refer [flowgraph]]
[cljs.js :as j]))
(defonce app-state (r/atom {}))
(defmulti render-node :op)
(def styles {:border "1px solid #586e75" :padding "10px" :border-radius "10px"
:background-color "#002b36" :color "#B58900"})
(defmethod render-node :fn [n]
[:div {:style (merge styles {:color "#DC322F"})}
[:b (str "(" (:name (:name n)) " ...)")]])
(defmethod render-node :if [{:keys [then test else]}]
[:div {:style (merge styles {:color "#CB4B16"})}
[:div {:style {:text-align :center}} [:b "IF"]]
[:div {:style {:display :flex}}
[:div.if-test [:b "test"] [:div (str "'" (:form test) "'")]]
[:div.if-then [:b "then"] [:div (str "'" (:form then) "'")]]
[:div.if-else [:b "else"] [:div (str "'" (:form else) "'")]]]])
(defmethod render-node :default [n]
[:div {:style styles} (str ":op " (:op n))])
(defn app []
[:div {:style {:background-color "#002b36"}}
[flowgraph @app-state
:layout-width 500
:layout-height 1500
:branch-fn :children
:childs-fn :children
:render-fn render-node
:line-styles {:stroke-width 2
:stroke "#CB4B16"}]])
(defn init []
(r/render [app] (.getElementById js/document "app"))
(j/analyze-str (j/empty-state)
"(defn factorial [n]
(if (zero? n)
(* n (factorial (dec n)))))"
#(reset! app-state (:value %))))
which will render
<img src="/doc/images/reagent-tree-example-custom.png?raw=true"/>Options
An integer representing the width of the layout panel.
An integer representing the height of the layout panel.
Is a fn that, given a node, returns true if can have children, even if it currently doesn't.
Is a fn that, given a branch node, returns a seq of its children.
A one parameter fn that can be used as a reagent component. Will receive the full node as a parameter.
A map with styles for the svg lines that join nodes.
How does it works?
The trick is in rendering all nodes twice. The action goes like this :
- Traverse the tree rendering every node using :render-fn.
- Collect the width and height of every node.
- Now we have node sizes we use a library like clj-tree-layout to calculate nodes positions.
- With positions we can calculate edges.
- Render everything again.