

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26466516/141659551-d7ba5630-7200-46fe-863b-87818dae970a.png" alt="Next.js TypeScript Starter"> </p> <br /> <div align="center"><strong>Non-opinionated TypeScript starter for Next.js</strong></div> <div align="center">Highly scalable foundation with the best DX. All the tools you need to build your next project.</div> <br /> <div align="center"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=PRs&message=welcome&style=flat-square&color=5e17eb&labelColor=000000" alt="PRs welcome!" /> <img alt="License" src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/jpedroschmitz/typescript-nextjs-starter?style=flat-square&color=5e17eb&labelColor=000000"> <a href="https://x.com/intent/follow?screen_name=jpedroschmitz"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/jpedroschmitz?style=flat-square&color=5e17eb&labelColor=000000" alt="Follow @jpedroschmitz" /> </a> </div> <div align="center"> <sub>Created by <a href="https://x.com/jpedroschmitz">João Pedro</a> with the help of many <a href="https://github.com/jpedroschmitz/typescript-nextjs-starter/graphs/contributors">wonderful contributors</a>.</sub> </div> <br />


Quick Start

The best way to start with this template is using Create Next App.

# pnpm
pnpm create next-app -e https://github.com/jpedroschmitz/typescript-nextjs-starter
# yarn
yarn create next-app -e https://github.com/jpedroschmitz/typescript-nextjs-starter
# npm
npx create-next-app -e https://github.com/jpedroschmitz/typescript-nextjs-starter


To start the project locally, run:

pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


“This starter is by far the best TypeScript starter for Next.js. Feature packed but un-opinionated at the same time!”<br> — Arafat Zahan

“I can really recommend the Next.js Typescript Starter repo as a solid foundation for your future Next.js projects.”<br> — Corfitz

“Brilliant work!”<br> — Soham Dasgupta


List of websites that started off with Next.js TypeScript Starter:



Directory Structure


Path Mapping

TypeScript are pre-configured with custom path mappings. To import components or files, use the @ prefix.

import { Button } from '@/components/Button';
// To import images or other files from the public folder
import avatar from '@/public/avatar.png';

Switch to Yarn/npm

This starter uses pnpm by default, but this choice is yours. If you'd like to switch to Yarn/npm, delete the pnpm-lock.yaml file, install the dependencies with Yarn/npm, change the CI workflow, and Husky Git hooks to use Yarn/npm commands.

Note: If you use Yarn, make sure to follow these steps from the Husky documentation so that Git hooks do not fail with Yarn on Windows.

Environment Variables

We use T3 Env to manage environment variables. Create a .env.local file in the root of the project and add your environment variables there.

When adding additional environment variables, the schema in ./src/lib/env/client.ts or ./src/lib/env/server.ts should be updated accordingly.


To add redirects, update the redirects array in ./redirects.ts. It's typed, so you'll get autocompletion for the properties.

CSP (Content Security Policy)

The Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security layer that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. The CSP is implemented in the next.config.ts file.

It contains a default and minimal policy that you can customize to fit your application needs. It's a foundation to build upon.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for more information.