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Net bindings for google shaderc.

spirv compilation

This sample use vk.net to create the shader module. On success, Result object will hold a native pointer on the generated spirv code suitable for the ShaderModuleCreateInfo pCode field. This pointer will stay valid until the Result disposal.

using (Compiler comp = new Compiler ()) {
  using (Result res = comp.Compile ("test.vert", ShaderKind.VertexShader)) {
    if (res.Status == Status.Success) {
      VkShaderModuleCreateInfo ci = VkShaderModuleCreateInfo.New ();
      ci.codeSize = res.codeSize;
      ci.pCode = res.code;
      vkCreateShaderModule (VkDev, ref moduleCreateInfo, IntPtr.Zero, out VkShaderModule shaderModule));

Resolving includes

shaderc library provide the ability to add #include statements as in c/c++. This functionality is enabled or not in the Options class constructor, the default is enabled.

Options opt = new Options(false);

A default Options instance is created by the Compiler constructor which enable the include resolution. You may provide a custom Options instance to the compiler constructor.

Compiler comp = new Compiler (opt);
comp.Options.InvertY = true;

As in c/c++, you may have local or global include (enclosed in "" or <>). Local includes enclosed in "" will be searched from the current parsed source file. Global includes enclosed in '<>' will be searched in directories listed in Options.IncludeDirectories. The pathes may be relative to the executable directory, or absolute.

comp.Options.IncludeDirectories.AddRange ("shaders", @"c:\test");

If you want to override the default include resolution, to search for embedded ressources for example, derive the Options class and override the TryFindInclude method.

class OptionsWithCustomIncResolve : Options {
  protected override bool TryFindInclude (string sourcePath, string includePath, IncludeType incType, out string incFile, out string incContent) {