

Jovo v3 Templates

This repository only contains templates for Jovo v3. You can find the Jovo v4 templates here: TypeScript, JavaScript.

The examples in this repository are a great starting point to learn about specific features of the Jovo Framework.

To access the templates, you first need to install the Jovo CLI with $ npm install -g jovo-cli. Then, you can create a new project from your command line with the following command:

# Standard version
$ jovo3 new <directory> --template <name>

# Short version
$ jovo3 new <directory> -t <name>

The following templates are currently available:

helloworldDefault. Jovo Sample Voice App with a simple "Hello World!" + asking for the user's name
trivia-gameTrivia game voice app that makes use of states, helper functions, and i18n
alexa/audioplayerSample Alexa Audioplayer Skill that plays a longform audio file with the Audioplayer directive
alexa/dialoginterfaceSample implementation of the Alexa Dialog Interface
alexa/skilleventsSample implementation of the Alexa Skill Events.
google/mediaresponseSample Google Action media response app that plays longform audio file