

Zsh History Purge Secrets Plugin

This zsh plugin helps ensure that secrets do not persist in your zsh history. It checks the .zsh_history file every 60 seconds for potential secrets using Gitleaks. If any are found, the respective lines are purged from the history and logged.


  1. Gitleaks: This tool is used to scan the zsh history for potential secrets.
  2. jq: A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.

Installing Gitleaks

Please follow the official installation guide for Gitleaks from here.

Installing jq

Please follow the official installation guide for jq from here.


  1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/jotasixto/purge-history-secrets.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/purge-history-secrets
  1. Add the plugin to the list of plugins in your ~/.zshrc:
plugins=(... purge-history-secrets)
  1. Reload your zsh configuration:
source ~/.zshrc

How it works

Once the plugin is enabled:

  1. Every 60 seconds, the plugin checks the .zsh_history file for potential secrets using Gitleaks.
  2. If potential secrets are detected, the respective lines are deleted from the .zsh_history file.
  3. A log of all purged lines is maintained in ~/.purge-secrets-zshhistory.log, with timestamps indicating when each line was purged.