

XML Builder

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An Elixir library for building XML. It is inspired by the late Jim Weirich's awesome builder library for Ruby.

Each XML node is structured as a tuple of name, attributes map, and content/list.

{name, attrs, content | list}


Add dependency to your project's mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:xml_builder, "~> 2.1"}]


A simple element

Like <person id="12345">Josh</person>, would look like:

{:person, %{id: 12345}, "Josh"} |> XmlBuilder.generate

An element with child elements

Like <person id="12345"><first>Josh</first><last>Nussbaum</last></person>.

{:person, %{id: 12345}, [{:first, nil, "Josh"}, {:last, nil, "Nussbaum"}]} |> XmlBuilder.generate

Convenience Functions

For more readability, you can use XmlBuilder's methods instead of creating tuples manually.

XmlBuilder.document(:person, "Josh") |> XmlBuilder.generate


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Building up an element

An element can be built using multiple calls to the element function.

import XmlBuilder

def person(id, first, last) do
  element(:person, %{id: id}, [
    element(:first, first),
    element(:last, last)

iex> [person(123, "Steve", "Jobs"),
      person(456, "Steve", "Wozniak")] |> generate


<person id="123">
<person id="456">

Using keyed lists

The previous example can be simplified using a keyed list.

import XmlBuilder

def person(id, first, last) do
  element(:person, %{id: id}, first: first,
                              last: last)

iex> person(123, "Josh", "Nussbaum") |> generate(format: :none)
"<person id=\"123\"><first>Josh</first><last>Nussbaum</last></person>"


To use a namespace, add an xmlns attribute to the root element.

To use multiple schemas, specify a xmlns:nsName attribute for each schema and use a colon : in the element name, ie nsName:elementName.

import XmlBuilder

iex> generate({:example, [xmlns: "http://schemas.example.tld/1999"], "content"})
"<example xmlns=\"http://schemas.example.tld/1999\">content</example>"

iex> generate({:"nsName:elementName", ["xmlns:nsName": "http://schemas.example.tld/1999"], "content"})
"<nsName:elementName xmlns:nsName=\"http://schemas.example.tld/1999\">content</nsName:elementName>"

DOCTYPE declarations

A DOCTYPE can be declared by applying the doctype function at the first position of a list of elements in a document definition:

import XmlBuilder

  doctype("html", public: ["-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN",
  element(:html, "Hello, world!")
]) |> generate


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html>Hello, world!</html>


While the output is always UTF-8 and has to be converted in another place, you can override the encoding statement in the XML declaration with the encoding option.

import XmlBuilder

|> generate(encoding: "ISO-8859-1")
|> :unicode.characters_to_binary(:unicode, :latin1)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Using iodata() directly

While by default, output from generate/2 is converted to binary(), you can use generate_iodata/2 to skip this conversion. This can be convenient if you're using IO.binwrite/2 on a :raw IO device, as these APIs can work with iodata() directly, leading to some performance gains.

In some scenarios, it may be beneficial to generate part of your XML upfront, for instance when generating a sitemap.xml, you may have shared fields for author. Instead of generating this each time, you could do the following:

import XmlBuilder

entries = [%{title: "Test", url: "https://example.org/"}]

# Generate static author data upfront
author = generate_iodata(element(:author, [
  element(:name, "John Doe"),
  element(:uri, "https://example.org/")

file = File.open!("path/to/file", [:raw])

for entry <- entries do
  iodata =
    generate_iodata(element(:entry, [
      # Reuse the static pre-generated fields as-is
      {:iodata, author},

      # Dynamic elements are generated for each entry
      element(:title, entry.title),
      element(:link, entry.url)

  IO.binwrite(file, iodata)


XmlBuilder offers 3 distinct ways to control how content of tags is escaped and handled:


Should you need standalone="yes" in the XML declaration, you can pass standalone: true as option to the generate/2 call.

import XmlBuilder

|> generate(standalone: true)


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

If otherwise you need standalone ="no" in the XML declaration, you can pass standalone: false as an option to the generate / 2 call.


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>


To remove indentation, pass format: :none option to XmlBuilder.generate/2.

doc |> XmlBuilder.generate(format: :none)

The default is to formatting with indentation, which is equivalent to XmlBuilder.generate(doc, format: :indent).


This source code is licensed under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2014-present, Joshua Nussbaum. All rights reserved.