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Lintier is a CLI to quickly scaffold an ESLint & Prettier setup in a TypeScript project. Because linting and code formatting are a must, but setup is a pain.

Lintier works in React, Node, and vanilla Typescript projects. It provides options to install the airbnb styleguide, stylelint for linting styles, and lint-staged for linting pre-commit. Lintier will install the dependencies, create the config files, and add linting scripts to your package.json file.

Lintier's goal is to provide a minimal setup to build upon. A few rules are included by default, but you should modify the config files to fit your project's needs.


Just run npx lintier in your project's directory. Linter will start in interactive mode, letting you choose your project type and configuration.

Alternately, you can specify any of the options below to skip the interactive prompts:

-r, --reactinstall react dependencies
-n, --nodeinstall node dependencies
-a, --airBnbinstall airbnb styleguide
-s, --styleLintinstall stylelint
-c, --styledComponentsinstall styled-components lint script
-p, --sassinstall sass stylelint config & lint script
-l, --lintStagedinstall lint-staged and simple-git-hooks
--helpdisplay help for command
-V, --versionoutput the version number

A Note on Styled-Components

The styled-components option just adds .ts/.js files to the package.json script to lint styles. The stylelint config mentioned in the styled-components docs seems to conflict with this eslint setup, so I left it out for now.


Lintier installs the latest version of the various dependencies, and versions are not pinned. This helps me keep the package up-to-date as I use it, but it also means breaking changes in those dependencies can break lintier. A weekly scheduled end-to-end test is also setup to help catch these changes.

If you spot trouble, please open an issue in the GitHub repo.


Pull requests are welcome! The goal is to keep lintier minimalist, so please minimize any additional rules enabled and options presented to the user.