


Have you ever spent more than 1 second wondering:

"How do I get on my computer this photo I just made with my phone?"


"How do I get this PDF from my computer to my phone?"

Then you probably thought:

You can forget about this and use Yopp instead:

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/QzpdbzA.gif" />


Create a folder on your server and put index.php there, that's it! (Don't forget to give write permission to this folder).

How does it work?

Minimalist UX

This tool requires a total number of 7 actions to get the work done:

Open browser on phone [1 tap], Open page [1 tap if in bookmarks], UPLOAD [1 tap], Choose the file [1 action]
Open browser on computer [1 double click], Open page [1 click if in bookmarks], DOWNLOAD [1 click]

I'll be happy to switch to another tool if one requiring less actions exists.

I noticed that my likelihood/probability to use any tool (all other things being equal) is more or less proportional to:

P = 1 / a^2

where a is the number of required actions/user inputs. If the number of required actions is doubled, the likelihood to use the tool is divided by 4!

What about security?


Author: Joseph Ernest (@JosephErnest)

Other projects: BigPicture, bigpicture.js, AReallyBigPage, SamplerBox, Void, TalkTalkTalk, Writing, sdfgh, RaspFIP, etc.

Sponsoring and consulting

I am available for Python, Data science, ML, Automation consulting. Please contact me on https://afewthingz.com for freelancing requests.

Do you want to support the development of my open-source projects? Please contact me!

I am currently sponsored by CodeSigningStore.com. Thank you to them for providing a DigiCert Code Signing Certificate and supporting open source software.


MIT license