

GitNow CI Releases

Speed up your Git workflow. šŸ 

GitNow contains a command set that provides high-level operations on the top of Git. <br> A Fish shell alternative inspired by git-friendly.




paket add joseluisq/gitnow@2.12.0


fisher install joseluisq/gitnow@2.12.0


fundle plugin joseluisq/gitnow --url 'git@github.com:joseluisq/gitnow.git#tags/2.12.0'

Latest changes:

paket add joseluisq/gitnow

# Or
fisher install joseluisq/gitnow

# Or
fundle plugin joseluisq/gitnow

<small>Note: Use that method if you don't want to wait for a new release.</small>


gitnowShow available commands and version info.
stateAlt + SShow the working tree status in a compact way.
stageAlt + EStage files in current working directory.
unstageCtrl + EUnstage files in current working directory.
showAlt + MShow commit detail objects.
untrackedCheck for untracked files and directories.
commitCommit changes to the repository.
commit-allAlt + CAdd and commit all changes to the repository.
tagList and create release tag versions following Semver 2.0.
pullAlt + DPull changes from remote server but saving uncommitted changes.
pushAlt + PPush commit changes to remote repository.
upstreamAlt + UCommit all changes and push them to remote server.
moveMoves from current branch to another but stashing your changes.
mergeMerges a local branch into the active one.
assumeIgnores changes in certain files temporarily.
logsAlt + LShows logs in a fancy way.
feature (1)Alt + FCreates a new feature (Gitflow) branch from current branch.
hotfix (1)Alt + HCreates a new hotfix (Gitflow) branch from current branch.
bugfix (1)Creates a new bugfix (Gitflow) branch from current branch.
release (1)Creates a new release (Gitflow) branch from current branch.
githubClone a GitHub repository using SSH.
bitbucketClone a Bitbucket Cloud repository using SSH.



Gitnow configuration file

To configure Gitnow just copy the .gitnow default file and place it in your home directory (~/.gitnow).


The [ options ] section contains some options in order to adjust centain Gitnow behaviour.

For more details about the options please take a look at .gitnow file content.


The .gitnow file contains a [ keybindings ] section with default shortcuts (key-value pairs). But you can add, edit or remove keybindings on demand. If you want custom keybindings for your commands just run fish_key_reader in your terminal, then press the key or key's combinations to get the right characters sequence and finally set it to your preferred command in your ~/.gitnow file.



Show available commands and version info.



Show the working tree status in compact way.

Current working tree status:
## master...origin/master
 M conf.d/gitnow.fish


Stage files in current working directory.

Note: This command does git add . by default. Add your git add flags as usual to overwrite it.

# a) git add . (by default)
# b) custom 1
stage README.md LICENSE.md
# c) custom 2
stage . --ignore-errors


Unstage files in current working directory.

Note: This command does git reset . by default. Add your git reset flags as usual to overwrite it.

# a) git reset . (by default)
# b) custom 1
unstage README.md LICENSE.md
# c) custom 2
unstage --soft HEAD


Show commit detail objects.

Note: This command does git show --compact-summary HEAD by default. Add your git show flags as usual to overwrite it.

# a) Default
# b) Custom flags
show --compact-summary HEAD~1


Check for untracked files and directories that could be removed of current working directory.


# Would remove .file1
# Would remove dir1/
# Would remove file2


Commit changes to the repository.

Note: This command does git commit only. Add your git commit flags as usual to overwrite it.

commit README.md
commit .
commit --amend


Add and commit all changes to the repository.

Note: This command does stage and then commit .. No flags supported.

# stage && commit .


List and create release tag versions following The Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Show information about Tag options

tag -h                                                                                                                                          (13s 251ms)
#       Gitnow: tag - List or tag commits following The Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (Semver) [1]
#       [1] https://semver.org/
#       List tags: tag
#       Custom tag: tag <my tag name>
#       Semver tag: tag --major
#       Without options all tags are listed in a lexicographic order and tag names are treated as versions
#       -x --major         Tag auto-incrementing a major version number
#       -y --minor         Tag auto-incrementing a minor version number
#       -z --patch         Tag auto-incrementing a patch version number
#       -l --latest        Show only the latest Semver release tag version (no suffixed ones or others)
#       -h --help          Show information about the options for this command

List all available tags

Tags are listed in a lexicographic order and tag names are treated as versions.


Get latest Semver release tag name

Note: This option gets only the latest Semver release version tag name but no any suffixed version ones or another kind of version names. The same apply when you create correlative Semver tags. See next section.

tag --latest

Create Semver correlative tag names

Note: Following commands take care about optional v prefixed tag names. So for example if a v1.0.0 is found as latest major then the next correlative tag name major will be v2.0.0. Otherwise for example if a 1.0.0 is found as latest minor then the next correlative tag name minor will be 1.1.0.

# Create a correlative Semver major tag
tag --major
# Create a correlative Semver minor tag
tag --minor
# Create a correlative Semver patch tag
tag --patch

Create custom tag names

tag <some tag name>


Pull changes from remote server but saving uncommitted changes.

This command makes this for you:

Auto mode:

Manual mode:

šŸ“„ Pulling changes
Arguments mode: Auto
Default arguments: --rebase --autostash
Remote: origin (https://github.com/joseluisq/gitnow.git)
Branch: master

From https://github.com/joseluisq/gitnow
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Created autostash: 473315a
HEAD is now at 9de2f93 update commands
Current branch master is up to date.
Applied autostash.


Push commit changes to remote repository.

Note: This command is equivalent to git push --set-upstream [your arguments...].

# Auto mode (current origin and branch)
# Manual mode
push <origin_name> <branch_name> <--some_other_flags>


Commit all changes and push them to remote server.

Note: This command does commit-all and then push. No flags supported.



Switch from current branch to another but stashing uncommitted changes

Note: This command does git stash then git checkout <other_branch> and finally git stash pop (possible to disable). It also takes care that <other_branch> matches with the existing local branches.

Additional options:

move other_branch

# Branch `ghost_branch` was not found. No possible to switch.
move ghost_branch

# With -u flag the branch will be fetched from remote origin.
move -u feature/new_remote_branch

# With -n flag stashed changes will not be applied.
move -n feature/new_remote_branch

# Possible to combine two option flags
move -un feature/another_remote_branch


Merge a local branch into the active one

Note: This command does a simple git merge <other branch>.

Additional options:

merge other_branch

# Local branch ghost_branch was not found. Not possible to merge.
merge ghost_branch

# With -a flag the conflicted merge will be aborted.
merge -a


Ignore changes in certain files temporarily.

Note: This command performs git update-index --[no-]assume-unchanged to ignore changes in certain files temporarily or revert those changes back.


# a) Ignore files temporarily
assume Cargo.toml README.md

# b) Revert file ignored changes
assume -n Cargo.toml README.md


Creates a new feature (Gitflow) branch from current branch.

Note: Your new branch will always be lowercase without special characters or whitespaces (underscores instead).

feature feat1
# > feature/feat1
feature "This is my New FEATURE Branch"
# > feature/this_is_my_new_feature_branch


Creates a new hotfix (Gitflow) branch from current branch.

Note: Your new branch will always be lowercase without special characters or whitespaces (underscores instead).

hotfix fix1
# > hotfix/fix1
hotfix "This is my New FIX Branch"
# > hotfix/this_is_my_new_fix_branch


Creates a new bugfix (Gitflow) branch from current branch.

Note: Your new branch will always be lowercase without special characters or whitespaces (underscores instead).

bugfix fix1
# > bugfix/fix1
bugfix "This is my New bugFIX Branch"
# > bugfix/this_is_my_new_bugfix_branch


Creates a new release (Gitflow) branch from current branch.

Note: Your new branch will always be lowercase without special characters or whitespaces (underscores instead).

release fix1
# > release/fix1
release "This is my New release Branch"
# > release/this_is_my_new_bugfix_branch


Shows logs in a fancy way.

Note: This command does git log HEAD by default using a pretty format. Add your git log flags as usual to overwrite it.

# shows all logs (default)

# shows logs using git log parameters and flags (custom)
logs 8b09088
logs --before "yesterday" --after="1 week ago"


Clone a GitHub repository using SSH.


github username/repo-name
github username repo-name

# requires a `user.github` username Git config entry
github repo-name


Clone a Bitbucket Cloud repository using SSH.


bitbucket username/repo-name
bitbucket username repo-name

# requires a `user.bitbucket` username Git config entry
bitbucket repo-name

Note: For cloning some repo only, it's necessary to set your Github or Bitbucket username to global config before like:

# a) GitHub
git config --global user.github "your_username"
# b) Bitbucket
git config --global user.bitbucket "your_username"



Pull requests and issues are welcome.


MIT license

Ā© 2016-present Jose Quintana