

<h1 align="center">Gradualizer: A Gradual Type System for Erlang</h1> <a href="https://github.com/josefs/Gradualizer/actions/workflows/build-and-test.yml"> <img src="https://github.com/josefs/Gradualizer/actions/workflows/build-and-test.yml/badge.svg" alt="GitHub Actions Build and Test Status" /> </a> <a href="https://hex.pm/packages/gradualizer"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/gradualizer.svg" alt="Gradualizer on Hex.pm" /> </a>

A type checker for Erlang

Gradualizer is a static type checker for Erlang with some support for gradual typing. A static type checker catches bugs before we run a program thanks to type analysis.

Gradualizer aims to integrate well into existing Erlang code bases in a non intrusive way. It does so by

A picture is worth more than a thousand words:


Command line

Compile the project as an escript. Then use it to check .beam files or .erl files. Use the -h / --help option for help.

$ make escript
$ bin/gradualizer --help
Usage: gradualizer [options] [PATH...]
A type checker for Erlang/Elixir

       PATH                      Files or directories to type check
       --                        Signals that no more options will follow. The following
                                 arguments are treated as filenames, even if
                                 they start with hyphens.
  -h,  --help                    display this help and exit
       --infer                   Infer type information from literals and other
                                 language constructs
       --no_infer                Only use type information from function specs
                                  - the default behaviour
       --verbose                 Show what Gradualizer is doing
  -pa, --path_add                Add the specified directory to the beginning of
                                 the code path; see erl -pa             [string]
  -I                             Include path for Erlang source files; see -I in
                                 the manual page erlc(1)
       --stop_on_first_error     stop type checking at the first error
       --no_stop_on_first_error  inverse of --stop-on-first-error
                                  - the default behaviour
       --no_prelude              Do not override OTP specs.
       --specs_override_dir      Add specs overrides from the *.specs.erl files in
                                 this directory.
       --fmt_location            How to format location when pretty printing errors
                                 (Column is only available if analyzing from source)
                                 - 'none': no location for easier comparison
                                 - 'brief': for machine processing
                                   ("LINE:COLUMN:" before message text)
                                 - 'verbose' (default): for human readers
                                   ("on line LINE at column COLUMN" within the message text)
       --color [ COLOR ]         Use colors when printing fancy messages. An optional
                                 argument is `always | never | auto'. However, auto-
                                 detection of a TTY doesn't work when running as an escript.
       --no_color                Alias for `--color never'
       --fancy                   Use fancy error messages when possible (on by default)
       --no_fancy                Don't use fancy error messages.
       --union_size_limit        Performance hack: Unions larger than this value
                                 are replaced by any() in normalization (default: 30)
       --solve_constraints       Type check polymorphic calls (off by default)


To run Gradualizer from rebar3, add it as a plugin in your rebar.config:

{plugins, [
  {gradualizer, {git, "https://github.com/josefs/Gradualizer.git", {branch, "master"}}}

See examples/rebar3/README.md.

Elixir / Mix

Check out Gradient, the Elixir frontend to Gradualizer. It provides a Mix task to use in your project:

def deps do
    {:gradient, github: "esl/gradient", only: [:dev], runtime: false}

Erlang shell

Launch the interactive prompt with all the relevant modules in the path. Then, use the functions in the gradualizer module:

$ make shell

1> gradualizer:type_check_file("path/to/some_file.erl").

You can also use the Rebar3 shell.


Gradualizer requires at least OTP 21 and is built using plain OTP functionality and a self-contained Makefile. Alternatively, it can be built using rebar3, as well as Mix if used as a dependency.


Gradualizer is close to a beta release. Most of the Erlang language constructs and data types are handled, although there are things that don't work yet. That being said, pull requests are most welcome!

A work-in-progress Gradualizer manual is located on the wiki.

For a non-exhaustive list of known problems, see test/known_problems/.