


Kore (https://kore.io) is a web application platform for writing scalable, concurrent web based processes in C or Python.

It is built with a "secure by default" approach. It is fully privilege separated while using strong security features at the operating system level such as seccomp, pledge, unveil and more.

Today Kore is used in a variety of applications ranging from high assurance cryptographic devices, machine-learning stacks and even in the aerospace industry.

From embedded platforms all the way to high performance servers. Kore scales.

Key Features

And lots more.



Read the documentation


Read the benchmarks blog post.

Platforms supported

Kore only supports x64, arm and aarch64 architectures.

Building Kore

Clone this repository or get the latest release at https://kore.io/releases/4.2.3.


Requirement for asynchronous curl (optional)

Requirements for background tasks (optional)

Requirements for pgsql (optional)

Requirements for python (optional)

Requirements for lua support (optional)

Normal compilation and installation:

$ cd kore
$ make
# make install

If you would like to build a specific flavor, you can enable those by setting a shell environment variable before running make.

Note that certain build flavors cannot be mixed together and you will just be met with compilation errors.

Example applications

You can find example applications under examples/.

The examples contain a README file with instructions on how to build or use them.

Mailing lists

patches@kore.io - Send patches here, preferably inline.

users@kore.io - Questions regarding kore.

If you want to signup to those mailing lists send an empty email to listname+subscribe@kore.io

Other mailboxes (these are not mailing lists):

security@kore.io - Mail this email if you think you found a security problem.

sponsor@kore.io - If your company would like to sponsor part of Kore development.

More information can be found on https://kore.io/