

Flood Severity Estimation Algorithm

This repository contains the implementation for a "Flood Severity Estimation Algorithm", that tries to estimate the height of the water in geo-referenced photos that depict floods. This algorithm uses the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA).

To fill the "NO DATA VALUES" from the JAXA's DEM, the DEMs from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and the EU-DEM are used. The file for the SRTM DEM can be obtained here and the files for the EU-DEM here.

These files needed to be placed in the folder as described below.

│   datasets
│   results
└─── dems
│   │   srtm30_merged.tif
│   │   eu_dem.tif
│   flood_severity_estimation.py
│   README.md


This implementation was developed using Python 3.6.7 and relies heavily on GDAL library. To run the algorithm over the information in the dataset folder simple execute the script:

$ python3 flood_severity_estimation.py