

The Dai Universe

A catalog of all the variations of Dai emerging from the composability and collaboration of DeFi.


DAIMakerDAOEtherscanMulti Collateral Dai, Decentralized stablecoin pegged to $1 USD
SAIMakerDAOEtherscan(Legacy Dai) Single Collateral Dai, Decentralized stablecoin pegged to $1 USD
aDAIAaveEtherscanToken representing a DAI deposit in Aave protocol DAI reserve, pegged to 1$ USD and ever-growing directly into the user Balance.
bDAIBTU ProtocolEtherscanbDAI is a stable coin that automatically rewards in BTU when you use it. Rewards are based on DSR, currently 7.75% per year.
cDAICompoundEtherscanTokens representing a balance earning interest on Compound
ChaiChaiEtherscanChai tokenizes the Dai Savings Rate. Earn interest on Dai without having to lock it up.
dDAIDharmaEtherscandDai represents a DAI deposit in Dharma. It's wrapped cDai that allows Dharma to retain 10% of the interest earned.
DAI-HRDkeydonixEtherscanEarn interest on your DAI, while continuing to function as a standard token.
downDAIDaichotomyA highly leveraged (20x) short position on the price of Dai on the UpSideDai protocol.
ezDAIZero CollateralezDAI represent Dai being lent on the Zero Collateral protocol. ezDAI can be redeemed for DAI by withdrawing supply from the market.
gDAIEtherscanUses iDai interest to enable future gas-less DAI transfers
HCDPdaiHumanityDAOEtherscanrDAI where the 3rd party is fixed to a HumanityDAO UBI fund
iDAIbZxEtherscanTokens representing a balance earning interest on Fulcrum
idleDAIIdle FinanceEtherscanRebalances between Compound and Fulcrum
lsDAIYellowHatDAOEarn Compound interest on your collateral with rDai, while providing liquidity for hedges against variable Compound interest.
maxDAIMetaMoneyMarketRebalances between Compound and dYdX
ocDAIOpynEtherscanInurance option for your Dai deposits on Compound (cDai)
pDAI<sup>1</sup>ZeframLouEtherscanA no-loss donation protocol enabling people to pool money together, lend it out, and donate the interest to a cause.
plDAIPoolTogetherEtherscanRepresenting tickets in the PoolTogether no-loss lottery. Minted when your deposit is eligible to win a prize.
rDAIrDaiEtherscanTokenized interest that's sent to a third party (developer, charity, dapp)
upDAIDaichotomyA highly leveraged (20x) long position on the price of Dai on the UpSideDai protocol.
vDAIMakerDAOvDAI is shorthand for MakerDAO's internal "vat Dai".
WeiDaiWeiDaiA protective wrapper for Dai against inflation
xDAIxDaiPegged to Dai, but on a POA sidechain for fast transactions and low gas prices
yDAI<sup>1</sup>iearnEtherscanThe yield token on the iearn platform, an aggregator of interest-earning DeFi opportunities
yxDAIidle.financeEtherscanInterest-bearing token which tokenizes DyDx lending positions
zkDAI<sup>1</sup>Aztec ProtocolAbstracts away the complexities of the Aztec Protocol for privacy on Ethereum

In Development

CherryDAICherry SwapAn interest bearing token representing fractional ownership in the liquidity pool plus the returns from offering the swaps
DDAIDexwalletGas station network enabled interest delegating dai with smart DeFi recipes
DyDAICryptionInterest-bearing token for dYdX. On Kovan.
oDAIConvexityoDAI is an options contract on the Convexity Protocol. For example, a useer can buy a put options against smart contract risk.
pDAI<sup>2</sup>pTokensOn the pTokens platform, pDAI enables the Dai token to be used on EOSIO
saveDAIsaveDAIsaveDAI wraps together cDAI and ocDAI giving you an interest-earning token with built-in insurance.
swanDAIGet exposure to DeFi black swan events via synthetic tokens
wxDAIxdaichainWrapped xDai bridged to Mainnet in a form of ERC20
yDAI<sup>2</sup>ParadigmGet short exposure on Dai
zDAIConfidential Dai transactions on Burner wallet
zkDAI<sup>2</sup>Hidden Dai transactions using zkSnarks


∞DAIEarned interest goes to smart contract cover insurance
nmDAISimilar to above, cDAI with built-in Nexus Mutual contract cover.


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