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The errorx library provides error implementation and error-related utilities. Library features include (but are not limited to):


Conventional approach towards errors in Go is quite limited.

The typical case implies an error being created at some point:

return errors.New("now this is unfortunate")

Then being passed along with a no-brainer:

if err != nil {
  return err

And, finally, handled by printing it to the log file:

log.Printf("Error: %s", err)

It doesn't take long to find out that quite often this is not enough. There's little fun in solving the issue when everything a developer is able to observe is a line in the log that looks like one of those:

Error: EOF

Error: unexpected '>' at the beginning of value

Error: wrong argument value

An errorx library makes an approach to create a toolset that would help remedy this issue with these considerations in mind:

As a result, the goal of the library is to provide a brief, expressive syntax for a conventional error handling and to discourage usage patterns that bring more harm than they're worth.

Error-related, negative codepath is typically less well tested, though of, and may confuse the reader more than its positive counterpart. Therefore, an error system could do well without too much of a flexibility and unpredictability.


With errorx, the pattern above looks like this:

return errorx.IllegalState.New("unfortunate")
if err != nil {
  return errorx.Decorate(err, "this could be so much better")
log.Printf("Error: %+v", err)

An error message will look something like this:

Error: this could be so much better, cause: common.illegal_state: unfortunate
 at main.culprit()
 at main.innocent()
 at main.main()

Now we have some context to our little problem, as well as a full stack trace of the original cause - which is, in effect, all that you really need, most of the time. errorx.Decorate is handy to add some info which a stack trace does not already hold: an id of the relevant entity, a portion of the failed request, etc. In all other cases, the good old if err != nil {return err} still works for you.

And this, frankly, may be quite enough. With a set of standard error types provided with errorx and a syntax to create your own (note that a name of the type is a good way to express its semantics), the best way to deal with errors is in an opaque manner: create them, add information and log as some point. Whenever this is sufficient, don't go any further. The simpler, the better.

Error check

If an error requires special treatment, it may be done like this:

// MyError = MyErrors.NewType("my_error")
if errorx.IsOfType(err, MyError) {
  // handle

Note that it is never a good idea to inspect a message of an error. Type check, on the other hand, is sometimes OK, especially if this technique is used inside of a package rather than forced upon API users.

An alternative is a mechanisms called traits:

// the first parameter is a name of new error type, the second is a reference to existing trait
TimeoutElapsed       = MyErrors.NewType("timeout", errorx.Timeout())

Here, TimeoutElapsed error type is created with a Timeout() trait, and errors may be checked against it:

if errorx.HasTrait(err, errorx.Timeout()) {
  // handle

Note that here a check is made against a trait, not a type, so any type with the same trait would pass it. Type check is more restricted this way and creates tighter dependency if used outside of an originating package. It allows for some little flexibility, though: via a subtype feature a broader type check can be made.


The example above introduced errorx.Decorate(), a syntax used to add message as an error is passed along. This mechanism is highly non-intrusive: any properties an original error possessed, a result of a Decorate() will possess, too.

Sometimes, though, it is not the desired effect. A possibility to make a type check is a double edged one, and should be restricted as often as it is allowed. The bad way to do so would be to create a new error and to pass an Error() output as a message. Among other possible issues, this would either lose or duplicate the stack trace information.

A better alternative is:

return MyError.Wrap(err, "fail")

With Wrap(), an original error is fully retained for the log, but hidden from type checks by the caller.

See WrapMany() and DecorateMany() for more sophisticated cases.

Stack traces

As an essential part of debug information, stack traces are included in all errorx errors by default.

When an error is passed along, the original stack trace is simply retained, as this typically takes place along the lines of the same frames that were originally captured. When an error is received from another goroutine, use this to add frames that would otherwise be missing:

return errorx.EnhanceStackTrace(<-errorChan, "task failed")

Result would look like this:

Error: task failed, cause: common.illegal_state: unfortunate
 at main.proxy()
 at main.main()
 at main.culprit()
 at main.innocent()

On the other hand, some errors do not require a stack trace. Some may be used as a control flow mark, other are known to be benign. Stack trace could be omitted by not using the %+v formatting, but the better alternative is to modify the error type:

ErrInvalidToken    = AuthErrors.NewType("invalid_token").ApplyModifiers(errorx.TypeModifierOmitStackTrace)

This way, a receiver of an error always treats it the same way, and it is the producer who modifies the behaviour. Following, again, the principle of opacity.

Other relevant tools include EnsureStackTrace(err) to provide an error of unknown nature with a stack trace, if it lacks one.

Stack traces benchmark

As performance is obviously an issue, some measurements are in order. The benchmark is provided with the library. In all of benchmark cases, a very simple code is called that does nothing but grows a number of frames and immediately returns an error.

Result sample, MacBook Pro Intel Core i7-6920HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz 4 core:

BenchmarkSimpleError102000000057.2simple error, 10 frames deep
BenchmarkErrorxError1010000000138same with errorx error
BenchmarkStackTraceErrorxError1010000001601same with collected stack trace
BenchmarkSimpleError1003000000421simple error, 100 frames deep
BenchmarkErrorxError1003000000507same with errorx error
BenchmarkStackTraceErrorxError1003000004450same with collected stack trace
BenchmarkStackTraceNaiveError100-82000588135same with naive debug.Stack() error implementation
BenchmarkSimpleErrorPrint1002000000617simple error, 100 frames deep, format output
BenchmarkErrorxErrorPrint1002000000935same with errorx error
BenchmarkStackTraceErrorxErrorPrint1003000058965same with collected stack trace
BenchmarkStackTraceNaiveErrorPrint100-82000599155same with naive debug.Stack() error implementation

Key takeaways:


See godoc for other errorx features: