

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jooapa/jammer/main/icons/trans_icon512x512.png" width="35px"> Jammer — light-weight TUI music player



Tired of opening up a browser or app to play music, and even then you can't play local files or songs from different sites?

Jammer is a simple CLI music player that supports playing songs from your local files, Youtube and Soundcloud.

Compatible with Windows, Linux.

Jammer shines its best when using it as a playlist. That's why I created it, for the playlist feature across different platforms



Github latest Release Linux version of Jammer requires fuse2. Ubuntu 22.02 or newer install apt install libfuse2.

Update existing

jammer --update


when using Soundcloud or Youtube links do not forget to use https:// at the start.

jammer [song] ... [folder]
jammer https://soundcloud.com/username/track-name
jammer https://soundcloud.com/username/sets/playlist-name
jammer https://youtube.com/watch?v=video-id
jammer https://youtube.com/playlist?list=playlist-id
jammer https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jooapa/jammer/main/npc_music/616845.mp3
jammer https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jooapa/jammer/main/example/terraria.jammer
jammer "path/to/song.mp3"

jammer     --start        opens jammer folder
jammer     --update       checks for updates and installs
jammer -h, --help         show help
jammer -D                 debug mode
jammer -v, --version      show version
jammer -h, --help                             show this help message-
jammer -p, --play       <name>                play playlist
jammer -c, --create     <name>                create playlist
jammer -d, --delete     <name>                delete playlist
jammer -a, --add        <name> <song> ...     add song to playlist
jammer -r, --remove     <name> <song> ...     remove song from playlist
jammer -s, --show       <name> 
jammer -l, --list                             list all playlists
jammer -f, --flush                            deletes all the songs in songs folder
jammer -sp, --set-path  <path>, <default>     set path for songs folder
jammer -gp, --get-path                        get the path to the <jammer/songs> folder
jammer -hm, --home                            play all songs from the <jammer/songs> folder
jammer -so, --songs                           open <jammer/songs> folder

Example of making a playlist in cli

jammer -c new_playlist
jammer -a new_playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnaJlq-zKc0WUXhwhSowwJdpe1fZumJzd
jammer -p new_playlist

Supported formats

Jammer supports the following audio formats: .mp3, .ogg, .wav, .mp2, .mp1, .aiff, .aif, .mod, .mo3, .s3m, .xm, .it, .aac, .adts, .mp4, .m4a, .m4b, .mid, .midi, .rmi, .kar

MIDI support

Jammer supports playing .mid, .midi, .rmi, .kar files. To play, you need to have a SoundFont file .sf2, .sf3, .sfz, sf2pack

Here is one sf2 file you can use ChoriumRevA.SF2, This is BASS's recommended SoundFont file.

To change the SoundFont file, press Shift + G (default keybind).

Link to a soundFont by path: This will link the SoundFont file by path. This will not copy the SoundFont file to the <jammer/soundfonts>.

Import soundfont by path: This will copy the SoundFont file to the <jammer/soundfonts>.

Will show all the SoundFont files in the <jammer/soundfonts> folder.


You can create your own theme by pressing Shift + T (default keybind)

Select 'Create a New Theme' and write the theme's name. Go to <jammer/themes>, you should see name.json. It will contain all the information needed for creating a theme.


You can change the visualizer style in custom Themes. To change the visualizer settings, go to <jammer/Visualizer.ini> and change the settings.


These can be changed in the Effects.ini file in the jammer folder.

Jammer Folder Location

This can be changed by an environment variable JAMMER_CONFIG_PATH

Default Player Controls

HShow/hide help
CShow/hide settings
FShow/hide playlist view
Shift + EEdit keybindings
Shift + LChange language
Volume up
Volume down
LToggle loop
SToggle shuffle
RPlay in random song
NNext song in playlist
PPrevious song in playlist
DeleteDelete current song from playlist
F2Show playlist options
TabShow CMD help screen
0Goto start of the song
9Goto end of the song
Shift + TChange Theme
Shift + GChange SoundFont

Default Playlist Controls

Shift + AAdd song to playlist
Shift + DShow songs in other playlist
Shift + FList all playlists
Shift + OPlay other playlist
Shift + SSave playlist
Shift + Alt + SSave as
Alt + SShuffle playlist
Shift + PPlay song(s)
Shift + BRedownload current song
Shift + YSearch YouTube for songs

Language support

Translations may not be up-to-date

Currently supported languages:

Create new translation by copying already existing .ini file from /locales and translating it.

Star History

<a href="https://star-history.com/#jooapa/jammer&Date"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=jooapa/jammer&type=Date&theme=dark" /> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=jooapa/jammer&type=Date" /> <img alt="Star History Chart" src="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=jooapa/jammer&type=Date" /> </picture> </a>


User can now change the SoundCloud client id

soundcloud every now and then changes the client id, which is not cool, so this allows change allows the user to change it :) on default the keybind is Alt + Shift + 1 or go change it in the settings.json

way to get the id on your own


Build / Run yourself

Download the BASS and BASS_AAC libraries from the un4seen website or the libaries are included in the libs folder.

On Linux, you need to add the libraries to the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/your/library:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

On Windows, you need to add the libraries to the executable folder.


dotnet run --project Jammer.CLI -- [args]



dotnet publish -r win10-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:DefineConstants="CLI_UI" --self-contained

Add BASS and BASS_AAC libraries to the executable folder and to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:UseForms=false -p:DefineConstants="CLI_UI" --self-contained
Linux AppImage release

AppImage requires fuse. To install fuse

sudo apt install libfuse2

To install appimagetool

wget https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage
chmod 700 appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage

To create AppImage run build-appimage.sh

or if you want to build it from usb

sh -c "$(wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jooapa/jammer/main/usb-appimage.sh)"
Build script for NSIS installer

you can use update.py to change the version of the app.

python update.py 101

Known Issues

Perfect app, no issues.