

Mzinga Banner


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Mzinga is a collection of open-source software to play the abstract board game Hive, with the primary goal of building a community of developers who create Hive-playing AIs.

To that end, Mzinga proposes a Universal Hive Protocol to support interoperability for Hive-playing software.

For more information on Mzinga and its projects, please check out the Mzinga Wiki.


Mzinga was written in C# and should run anywhere that supports .NET 6.0. It has been officially tested on:



The standard Windows release provides self-contained x86/x64/arm64 binaries which run on Windows 7 SP1+, 8.1, 10, and 11.

  1. Download the latest Windows zip file (Mzinga.WinX86.zip, Mzinga.WinX64.zip, or Mzinga.WinArm64.zip) from https://github.com/jonthysell/Mzinga/releases/latest
  2. Extract the zip file

Note: If you're unsure which version to download, try Mzinga.WinX64.zip first. Most modern PCs are x64.

Setup MSI

A standalone version of MzingaViewer is available via an installer which can run on Windows 7 SP1+, 8.1, 10, and 11.

  1. Download the latest Windows setup file (MzingaViewer.WinX86.Setup.msi, MzingaViewer.WinX64.Setup.msi or MzingaViewer.WinArm64.Setup.msi) from https://github.com/jonthysell/Mzinga/releases/latest
  2. Open the installer

Note: If you're unsure which version to download, try MzingaViewer.WinX64.Setup.msi first. Most modern PCs are x64.

Note: This version does not contain the MzingaEngine, MzingaPerft, or MzingaTrainer binaries.

Microsoft Store

A standalone version of MzingaViewer is available via the Microsoft Store for Windows 10 and 11: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/mzingaviewer/9pm7p224hpgq

Note: This version does not contain the MzingaEngine, MzingaPerft, or MzingaTrainer binaries.


The MacOS release provides self-contained x64/arm64 binaries which run on OSX >= 10.15.

  1. Download the latest MacOS tar.gz file (Mzinga.MacOSX64.tar.gz or Mzinga.MacOSArm64.tar.gz) from https://github.com/jonthysell/Mzinga/releases/latest
  2. Extract the tar.gz file

Note: If you're unsure which version to download, try Mzinga.MacOSX64.tar.gz first. Most modern PCs are x64.

Note: If MacOS Gatekeeper prevents you from running Mzinga, you may need to run xattr -cr on the downloaded files.


The Linux release provides self-contained x64/arm64 binaries which run on many Linux distributions.

  1. Download the latest Linux tar.gz file (Mzinga.LinuxX64.tar.gz or Mzinga.LinuxArm64.zip) from https://github.com/jonthysell/Mzinga/releases/latest
  2. Extract the tar.gz file

Note: If you're unsure which version to download, try Mzinga.LinuxX64.tar.gz first. Most modern PCs are x64.


The Unpacked release provides loose, framework-dependent .NET 6 binaries.

  1. Install the latest .NET Runtime
  2. Download the latest Unpacked zip file (Mzinga.Unpacked.zip) from https://github.com/jonthysell/Mzinga/releases/latest
  3. Extract the zip file


Hive Copyright (c) 2016 Gen42 Games. Mzinga is in no way associated with or endorsed by Gen42 Games.

Mzinga Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Jon Thysell.

Avalonia Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and Contributors.

Markdown.Avalonia Copyright (c) 2010 Bevan Arps, 2020 Whistyun.

Mono.Unix Copyright (c) 2021 Mono Project.

MVVM Toolkit Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and Contributors.