


This repostitory contains three nagios plugins:



usage: ./check_jenkins_cron.pl -j <job> -l <url> -w <threshold> -c <threshold> [-f] [-u username -p password] [-v]

    Required arguments
        -j <job>        : Jenkins job name
                          The name of the job to examine.

        -l <url>        : Jenkins URL
                          Protocol assumed to be http if none specified.

        -w <threshold>  : Warning Threshold (seconds)
                          WARNING when the last successful run was over <threshold> seconds ago.
                          CRITICAL when last successful run was over <threshold> and failures
                          have occured since then.

        -c <threshold>  : Critical Threshold (seconds)
                          CRITICAL when the last successful run was over <threshold> seconds ago.

    Optional arguments
        -f              : WARNING when the last run was not successful, even if the last
                          successful run is within the -w and -c thresholds.

        -u <username>   : Jenkins Username if anonymous API access is not available

        -p <password>   : Jenkins Password if anonymous API access is not available

        -v              : Increased verbosity.
                          This will confuse nagios, and should only be used for debug purposes
                          when testing this plugin.

Sample nagios configuration

Command definition

define command {
  command_name    check_jenkins_cron
  command_line    $USER1$/check_jenkins_cron.pl -j '$ARG1$' -l $ARG2$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$ -f -u $ARG5$ -p $ARG6$

Service definition to warn when a job hasn't built for 24 hours, and crit when it hasn't built for 36 hours.

define service {
  use                             local-service
  host_name                       buildserver.mycompany.com
  service_description             Jenkins - prod build
  check_interval                  1
  check_command                   check_jenkins_cron!Producuction build!buildserver.mycompany.com!86400!129600!myuser!mypassword
  contacts                        bob,bill

nagios-jenkins-plugin (check_jenkins_job_extended.pl)

A nagios plugin for which lets you check jenkins jobs according to various criteria.

How to use it

The plugin supports several options, which you can pass "0" to disable that particular threshold.

Usage: check_jenkins_job_extended url jobname concurrentFailsThreshold buildDurationThresholdMilliseconds lastStableBuildThresholdInMinutesWarn lastStableBuildThresholdInMinutesCrit


A sample nagios command using this plugin.

define command {
  command_name    check_jenkins_job_ext
  command_line    $USER1$/check_jenkins_job_extended.pl $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$ $ARG5$ $ARG6$ $ARG7$ $ARG8$

A sample nagios service using the above command to warn when it's been 4 mins since the last stable build, and crit when it's been 20.

define service {
  use                             local-service
  host_name                 	    buildserver.mycompany.com
  service_description             Jenkins - prod build
  check_interval                  1
  check_command                   check_jenkins_job_ext!http://buildserver.mycompany.com!prod!0!0!4!20
  contacts						bob,bill



Usage: check_jenkins_nodes.pl -s [jenkins server hostname & path] -w [integer or %] -c [integer or %] [-h this help message] [-u username] [-p password] [-v]

Required Arguments:
    -s <server hostname>    : jenkins CI server hostname

    -c <threshold>          : integer or percentage (ex: 2 or 50%)
                              CRITICAL if <threshold> nodes or greater are offline

    -w <threshold>          : integer or percentage (ex: 2 or 50%)
                              WARNING if <threshold> nodes or greater are offline

Optional arguments

    -h This help message

    -p <password>           : password to the jenkins CI server

    -u <username>           : username to the jenkins CI server

    -v verbose output

Command definition

define command{
	command_name    check_jenkins_nodes
	command_line    $USER1$/check_jenkins_nodes.pl -s$ARG1$ -u$ARG2$ -p$ARG3$ -w$ARG4$ -c$ARG5$

Service definition to warn when a job hasn't built for 24 hours, and crit when it hasn't built for 36 hours.

define service {
  use                             local-service
  host_name                       buildserver.mycompany.com
  service_description             Jenkins - node check
  check_interval                  1
  check_command                   check_jenkins_nodes!https://buildserver.mycompany.com!myuser!mypassword!2!51%
  contacts                        bob,bill