


To The Apple's Core serves as a house for testing the boundaries of what can be done on Native iOS without a jailbreak.

This project is for educational purposes and the code should not be used in any application targeted for the App Store.

All projects and snippits are made for and run on non-jailbroken devices. While untested, most following snippits should be able to run in Playgrounds on iPad.


:battery: Retrieve Device Battery Info

import Darwin
import Foundation

 Obtains an array of dictionaries representing device battery info. Returns nil if there was an issue retrieving info from battery API.
func deviceBatteryInfo() -> [[String: AnyObject]]? {
    guard case let handle = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BatteryCenter.framework/BatteryCenter", RTLD_LAZY), handle != nil,
        let c = NSClassFromString("BCBatteryDeviceController") as AnyObject as? NSObjectProtocol else {
            return nil
    func sharedInstance() -> String { return "sharedInstance" } // Silence compiler warnings
    guard c.responds(to: Selector(sharedInstance())) == true else { return nil }
    let instance = c.perform(Selector(sharedInstance())).takeUnretainedValue()
    guard let batteries = instance.value(forKey: "connectedDevices") as? [AnyObject] else { return nil }
    let batteryInfo = batteries.compactMap { battery -> [String: AnyObject]? in
        var propertyCount: UInt32 = 0
        guard let properties = class_copyPropertyList(battery.classForCoder, &propertyCount) else { return nil }
        var batteryDictionary = [String: AnyObject]()
        for i in 0..<propertyCount {
            let cPropertyName = property_getName(properties[Int(i)])
            let pName = String(cString: cPropertyName)
            batteryDictionary[pName] = battery.value(forKey: pName) as AnyObject
        free(properties) //release Obj-C property structs
        return batteryDictionary
    return batteryInfo

print("Batteries' Info: \(deviceBatteryInfo())")

Retreive App Info from SpringBoard

<img src="Assets/AppExplorer-Logo.png" height="45">

I've created an entire project around this idea called AppExplorer. Check out the repo for more info and how you can implement it in your own project.

:airplane: Check for Airplane Mode

class AirplaneManager{
     Whether or not airplane mode is enabled. Returns nil if an error occured getting info from API.
    static func isAirplaneModeEnabled() -> Bool?{
        guard case let handle = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSupport.framework/AppSupport", RTLD_LAZY), handle != nil,
            let c = NSClassFromString("RadiosPreferences") as? NSObject.Type else {
                return nil
        let radioPreferences = c.init()
        if radioPreferences.responds(to: NSSelectorFromString("airplaneMode")) {
            return (radioPreferences.value(forKey: "airplaneMode") as AnyObject).boolValue
        return false

print("Airplane Mode Enabled: \(AirplaneManager.isAirplaneModeEnabled())")

:link: Gather Hotspot Info



In order to use the SCDynamicStoreCreate and SCDynamicStoreCopyValue functions the __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING macro will need to be changed for these functions.

The easiest way to do this is ⌘ + ⌥ + CLICK on the function names in Xcode which will take you to the respective headers. Comment out the macros as seen here:

SCDynamicStoreRef __nullable SCDynamicStoreCreate (
			CFAllocatorRef __nullable allocator,
			CFStringRef name,
			SCDynamicStoreCallBack __nullable callout,
			SCDynamicStoreContext * __nullable context
CFPropertyListRef __nullable SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(
			SCDynamicStoreRef __nullable store,
			CFStringRef key

Example Usage

let reader = MobileHotspotReader.sharedReader
print("Connected Devices: \(reader.numberOfConnectedDevices)")
print("Connected over Bluetooth: \(reader.connectionsOverBluetooth)")

:signal_strength: Obtain Networking Info (Wifi, Tethering, Etc.)


This code requires no private apis, but does use hard-coded strings which may change in future OS versions.

Example Usage:

print("Wifi is Enabled     : \(NetworkManager.wifiEnabled())")
print("Wifi is Connected   : \(NetworkManager.wifiConnected())")
print("Currently Tethering : \(NetworkManager.isTethering())")

:iphone: Setting Lock Screen and Home Screen Images


:warning: DEPRECATED: This snippits is deprecated due to iOS 11.0 preventing dynamic linking to the SpringBoardUI framework.

import Darwin
import UIKit

struct WallpaperLocation: OptionSet {
    let rawValue: Int
    static let lockscreen = WallpaperLocation(rawValue: 1 << 0)
    static let homescreen = WallpaperLocation(rawValue: 1 << 1)

func setWallpaper(image: UIImage, location: WallpaperLocation) -> Bool{
    guard case let handle = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpringBoardUI.framework/SpringBoardUI", RTLD_LAZY), handle != nil else{
        return false
    guard case let symbol = dlsym(handle, "SBSUIWallpaperSetImageAsWallpaperForLocations"), symbol != nil else{
        return false
    typealias methodSignature = @convention(c) (AnyObject, NSInteger) -> ()
    let _ = unsafeBitCast(symbol, to: methodSignature.self)(image, location.rawValue)
    return true

setWallpaper(image, location: [.homescreen, .lockscreen])