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A PHP project/micro-package generator for PDS compliant projects or micro-packages.


Construct should be installed globally through composer.

composer global require jonathantorres/construct

Make sure that ~/.composer/vendor/bin is on your $PATH. This way the construct executable can be located.


As Construct utilizes Composer's CLI, it's assumed that Composer is installed. When using the option to initialize an empty Git repo (i.e. --git or -g) it's also assumed that Git is installed.


Just run construct generate with your vendor/package declaration and it will construct a basic PHP project into the package directory. For example, if you run construct generate jonathantorres/logger it will generate a basic project structure inside the logger folder.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger

The generated project structure will look like the following tree excerpt. Files and directories in parentheses are optional.

├── logger
│   ├── CHANGELOG.md
│   ├── (CONDUCT.md)
│   ├── composer.json
│   ├── composer.lock
│   ├── (.appveyor.yml)
│   ├── (.editorconfig)
│   ├── (.env)
│   ├── (.env.example)
│   ├── (.git)
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── .gitattributes
│   ├── (.github)
│   │   ├── CONTRIBUTING.md
│   │   ├── ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
│   ├── .gitignore
│   ├── .gitmessage
│   ├── (.lgtm)
│   ├── (bin)
│   │   └── cli-script
│   ├── LICENSE.md
│   ├── (.php_cs)
│   ├── (phpunit.xml.dist)
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── (docs)
│   │   └── index.md
│   ├── src
│   │   └── Logger.php
│   ├── tests
│   │   └── LoggerTest.php
│   ├── .travis.yml
│   ├── (Vagrantfile)
│   └── vendor
│           └── ...

This is a good starting point. You can continue your work from there.

Select testing framework

The --test-framework or --test option will allow you to select a testing framework. One of the following is available at the moment: phpunit, phpspec, codeception or behat. phpunit is currently the default.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --test-framework=codeception

You can also use the short option -t.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger -t codeception

Select license

The --license option will allow you to select a license for the project to construct. One of the following is available at the moment: MIT, Apache-2.0, GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0. MIT is currently the default.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --license=Apache-2.0

You can also use the short option -l.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger -l Apache-2.0

Specify a namespace

The --namespace option will allow you to specify a namespace for the project to construct. This is totally optional. By default construct will use the package name as the namespace.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --namespace=JonathanTorres\\Projects\\Logger

You can also use the short option -s.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger -s JonathanTorres\\Projects\\Logger

Specify a CLI framework

The optional --cli-framework option will allow you to specify a CLI framework for the project to construct, while also creating a bin directory with an initial CLI script in it, adding a bin key in the project's composer.json, and an initial AppVeyor configuration. When the option has been set without a CLI composer package the symfony/console package will be used per default. There's no short option available.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --cli-framework=zendframework/zend-console

Specify PHP version

The --php option will allow you to specify the minimum required PHP version that your project will support. Construct will use the currently installed version if not specified.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --php=5.6.31

Specify Composer keywords

The optional --keywords option will allow you to specify a comma separated list of Composer keywords.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --keywords=log,logging

You can also use the short option -k.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger -k=log,logging

Initialize an empty Git repo?

The --git option will allow you to initialize an empty Git repository inside the constructed project.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --git

You can also use the short option -g.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger -g

Generate a PHP Coding Standards Fixer configuration?

The --phpcs option will generate a PHP Coding Standards Fixer configuration within the constructed project and add a Travis CI script for validation during builds. The generated .php_cs configuration defaults to the PSR-2 coding style guide.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --phpcs

You can also use the short option -p.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger -p

Generate a Vagrantfile?

The --vagrant option will generate a basic Vagrantfile within the constructed project, defaulting to the output of a vagrant init call plus a minimal vagrant-cachier plugin configuration. There's no short option available.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --vagrant

Generate an EditorConfig configuration?

The --editor-config option will generate an EditorConfig configuration within the constructed project.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --editor-config

You can also use the short option -e.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger -e

Generate .env enviroment files?

The --env option will generate .env environment files within the constructed project for keeping sensitive information out of it. There's no short option available.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --env

Generate LGTM configuration files?

The --lgtm option will generate LGTM configuration files within the constructed project. There's no short option available.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --lgtm

Generate common GitHub files?

The --github option will generate common GitHub (i.e. templates and docs) files. There's no short option available.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --github

Generate GitHub template files?

The --github-templates option will generate GitHub template files within the constructed project into a folder conventionally named .github. It also will move CONTRIBUTING.md into it. There's no short option available, but the option is implicated with the github option.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --github-templates

Generate GitHub documentation files?

The --github-docs option will generate GitHub documentation files within the constructed project into a folder conventionally named docs. There's no short option available, but the option is implicated with the github option.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --github-docs

Generate a Code of Conduct?

The --code-of-conduct option will generate a Code of Conduct file named CONDUCT.md within the constructed project and also add a reference to it in the generated README.md. The used Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4. There's no short option available.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --code-of-conduct

Use a configuration for recurring settings

The --config option allows the usage of a configuration file in the YAML format. There are two ways to provide such a configuration file: One is to provide a specific file as an option argument, the other is to put a .construct configuration file in the home directory of your system. For the structure of a configuration file have a look at the .construct example file. When no configuration keys are provided for settings having a default value (i.e. test-framework, license, php) their default value is used.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger --config /path/to/config.yml

You can also use the short option -c.

construct generate jonathantorres/logger -c /path/to/config.yml

When there's a .construct configuration file in your home directory it will be used per default. If required it's possible to disable the usage via the --ignore-default-config option or the equivalent short option -i.

Interactive Mode

This mode will ask you all the required (and optional) information to generate your project.

construct generate:interactive

Running tests

composer construct:test


This library is licensed under the MIT license. Please see LICENSE for more details.


Please see CHANGELOG for more details.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details.