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Parallel jobs manager CLI

Take a look at ssh-para if you need parallel ssh jobs to multiple servers



pip install run-para

By default, run-para uses Nerd Fonts glyphs, modern terminals can now render the glyphs without installing specific font (the symbols can be overridden with SSHP_SYM_* environment variables, see below)

quick start

Run parallel commands:
$ run-para -P host1 host2 host3 -- ssh -n @1 "echo @1 is reachable"
Review last run results:
$ run-para -l
Review hosts statuses for last run:
$ run-para -L *.status
View failed hosts list:
$ run-para -L failed.status
Show output of command on all hosts:
$ run-para -L *.out
Show output of command for failed hosts:
$ run-para -L *.failed
Show output of command for host1:
$ run-para -L host1.out

params mapping to command

run-para will match parameters to the command according to @x mapping.
using -P options, can only pass 1 parameter to command
using -f paramsfile, can pass multiple parameters


run-para -P param1 param2 -- echo @1

will launch:

echo param1
echo param2
run-para -f params.txt -- curl -OL "http://@1/download/@2"
server1 "the file1.zip"
server2 "the file2.zip"

will launch:

curl -OL "http://server1/download/the file1.zip"
curl -OL "http://server2/download/the file2.zip"


run-para -h
usage: run-para [-h] [-V] [-j JOB] [-d DIRLOG] [-p PARALLEL] [-t TIMEOUT] [-v] [-D DELAY]
                [-f PARAMSFILE | -P PARAM [PARAM ...] | -l | -L LOGS [LOGS ...]]
                [command ...]

run-para v1.run-para.dev

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         run-para version
  -j JOB, --job JOB     Job name added subdir to dirlog
  -d DIRLOG, --dirlog DIRLOG
                        directory for ouput log files (default: ~/.run-para)
  -m MAXWIDTH, --maxwidth MAXWIDTH
                        max width to use to display params
  -p PARALLEL, --parallel PARALLEL
                        parallelism (default 4)
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        timeout of each job
  -v, --verbose         verbose display (param + line for last output)
  -D DELAY, --delay DELAY
                        initial delay in seconds between ssh commands (default=0.3s)
  -f PARAMSFILE, --paramsfile PARAMSFILE
                        params list file
  -P PARAM [PARAM ...], --params PARAM [PARAM ...]
                        hosts list
  -C {bash,zsh,powershell}, --completion {bash,zsh,powershell}
                        autocompletion shell code to source
  -l, --list            list run-para results/log directories
  -L LOGS [LOGS ...], --logs LOGS [LOGS ...]
                        get latest/current run-para run logs
                        -L[<runid>/]*.out          : all hosts outputs
                        -L[<runid>/]<host>.out     : command output of host
                        -L[<runid>/]*.<status>     : command output of hosts <status>
                        -L[<runid>/]*.status       : hosts lists with status
                        -L[<runid>/]<status>.status: <status> hosts list
                        -L[<runid>/]params.list     : list of parms used to map command
                        default <runid> is latest run-para run (use -j <job> -d <dir> to access logs if used for run)
                        <status>: [success,failed,timeout,killed,aborted]

During run, use :

Environment variables:

Activate autocompletion: