


Nerd prompt for bash/ksh/zsh (mksh/ash)
Light version of nerdps1 local nerd prompt w/o psudo/pssh (as thefly is doing plugin teleportation)

Font for prompt

For better experience, install a Nerd font on your system/console (Windows console / Windows terminal / putty / git-bash / CmdEr / iTerm2 / Terminator / MobaXterm / VScode terminal / Pycharm terminal...):
Consolas NF
Nerd Fonts

on Unix, copy to ~/.fonts and run fc-cache -fv then relaunch your terminal and set the font


<img width="900" alt="image" src="https://github.com/joknarf/nerdps1/assets/10117818/ebc3f680-69b1-45d2-b1ce-b09b09b545f2">

Following information displayed:

choose your style

set ps1_style variable to available styles in your .nerdrc
You can test using ps1_style function:


Font rendering

If your terminal does not manage correctly nerd font symbols, you may switch to more commonly supported powerline font symbols, or even disable the segment separator symbols.
You can use : ps1_display function/var to switch prompt display symbol characters:

$ ps1_display -h
usage: ps1_display <option>
    <option>: nerdicons, nerd, powerline, nofont, ascii

Customizing prompt

You can add informations on the prompt using ps1_info variable:

You can add custom colorized segment defining ps1_addon() function:

Changing prompt powerline, ps1_powerline variable represents the prompt:

color theme example

used terminal colors in example:

            "name": "NerdPS1",
            "background": "#000000",
            "foreground": "#D3D7CF",
            "black": "#000000",
            "blue": "#2760AA",
            "cyan": "#06989A",
            "green": "#088A5B",
            "purple": "#4c3d80",
            "red": "#BA1611",
            "white": "#D3D7CF",
            "yellow": "#CF8700",
            "brightBlack": "#243C4F",
            "brightBlue": "#729FCF",
            "brightCyan": "#34E2E2",
            "brightGreen": "#59c566",
            "brightPurple": "#AD7FA8",
            "brightRed": "#EF2929",
            "brightWhite": "#EEEEEC",
            "brightYellow": "#FCE94F"