Football Blazor Server App
Simple Football Blazor Server Web App which displays information about a chosen competition. Currently configured to the English Premier League. Information shown consists of:
- Fixtures and Results
- Groups
- Teams and Players
- Player Search
The Player Search page was developed as a way to help with playing the Football based Wordle game called <a href="">Futboldle</a>. The player search tool helps with playing the Futboldle game as can search the list of competition players based on the following criteria:
- Player Name - wildcard search
- Team Name - wildcard search
- Player Age - between an age range
- Player Nationality - wildcard search
- Player Position - position the player plays in (Goalkeeper, Defence, Midfield, Attacker) - multi-select list
- Player Confederation (football confederation that player's nationality belongs to) - multi-select list
- Team Position - between a team position range in the league or group table
Utilises the REST API called <a href="">Football Data API</a> which provides responses in JSON
- App is Developed using Blazor Server/.Net 8
- Data coming from the Football Data API is currently cached for a configurable number of hours (currently 3) into a class called FootballDataState which is an injected singleton class
- Contains 2 testing projects
- A unit test app which uses MS Test .Net 8 and utilises the Moq 4.20 library to unit test the football data service
- An automated UI testing app to test the Football Blazor Server App which utilises Selenium WebDriver .Net 8