

AngularJS FilePond

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A AngujarJS (yes I know that he is a bit old, but still people using it) component for FilePond.


Add this module as a dependency:

angular.module('myApp', ['filepond'])

Create a configuration object for FilePond, following its documentation.

    .controller('myController', ['$log', function($log){
        var vm = this;

        //see FilePond's docs
        vm.filePondConfig = {
            allowMultiple: true,
            required: true,
            server: '/api/files'

        vm.filePondInitiated = function(filePondInstance){
            $log.debug('FilePond initialized: ', filePondInstance);

        return vm;

Then, add it to one of your templates and the configuration that we already set up.

<file-pond config="app.filePondConfig" on-init="app.filePondInitiated(instance)"></file-pond>

You can check for a more detailed and working example in the index.html file.


For now I didn't wrote unit tests for this component, but there's a page for manual testing :)


Clone this repo and install all the dependencies using yarn (or npm i which is not recommended because I'll not keep that lock file up to date)

This project was made using Gulp for its automation scripts. Here's some of them and what they do: