See this blog post for an explanation of the approach (Pug code and simple app example reproduced below too). Read about Pug and Hyperapp to find out how to extend the functionality of this starter app (currently supports Pug v2.0.4 and Hyperapp v2.0.12).
The Hyperapp framework is wonderfully simple and has a number of features I like:
- Clear functional approach to business logic
- State-driven UI
- Centralised state and no stateful components (easy 'undo' option and perfect for quick and reliable development of small to medium scale apps)
- Events dispatched to update the state which updates the UI using virtualDOM diff
- Fast, small and simple but sufficient
However, previously I've used Pug to define my UI templates. I like the ability to see the page structure and the clearer separation of logic and UI. Combining HTML with the business logic using hyperscript h functions or JSX doesn't sit right with me (yet?) and I find it hard to reason about a page when the layout is so abstract.
Maybe I'll come round eventually, but maybe I don't need to...
Fortunately for me, the project pug-vdom brings a virtualDOM (obviously) to Pug. So this repository is a demo for how Hyperapp can use Pug templates. Note that I had to tweak pug-vdom slightly to handle textNodes equivalently to Hyperapp, so there is a local copy of pug-vdom.js (version 1.1.2).
There are also branches which provide variations and extensions:
- An 'express-server' branch which provides boiler-plate for adding an Express API
- An 'xstate' branch which shows how to use a state machine to manage actions
As a simple example, the wrapper processes the following standard Pug code into a very simple app with a couple (change and click) event handlers:
mixin makeHeading (content)
h1= content
// Need a root div to grab as the start of the view
// receives the <greet> variable from the supplied state object
- var greeting = "Hello " + greet
+makeHeading("Demo using Pug templates with Hyperapp v2")
p More stuff if needed but here just to demo adding a block to a mixin
p(style={color: "red"}) #{greeting}
input(size="60" placeholder=placeholder onchange=handler.updateMe)
button(id='clickMe' onclick=handler.clickMe) Click Me
p #{userText}