

Web Net Tools

GitHub tag License Docker

Web Net Tools is a web frontend for some useful command line tooling. It provides especially an web frontend for tools like testssl.sh and nmap. Currently it support the following tools:

<p align="center"> <img align="center" style="display: inline" src="docs/testssl.png" alt="test ssl tooling" height="400" /> <img align="center" style="display: inline" src="docs/ping.png" alt="ping tooling" height="400" /> </p>

Web Net Tools is a ready to use Docker image. No additional setup of the mentioned tools is needed.

Main usage

This tool was made to make command line tools available in closed networks. Especially the tool testssl.sh has currently no web frontend and similar tools in the public internet can't be used in close private networks. Web Net Tools can help you to make such services available for easy use.


Simple run the following Docker command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --name webnettools johannesschafer/webnettools

Configuration options

Currently you can configure the following aspects

docker run -p 8080:8080 -v ./localfolderwithcerts:/certs --name webnettools johannesschafer/webnettools


To build the tooling, just run mvn clean install. This builds the backend and frontend and creates an Docker image (johannesschafer/webnettools). To run the application during development mode, please start the backend with the following command from the root folder.

mvn compile quarkus:dev

The frontend needs to be started from the frontend folder with the following command.

npm run dev

The backend listens on port 8080 and the frontend on port 5000 (and connects to the backend on port 8080). During testing, please make sure to disable CORS in your browser.

To add own tools you have to create an clone or fork of this repository and create an payload class for your tool. Via Java annotations to your parameter fields, all settings for an tool are done.


import io.github.johannesschaefer.webnettools.annotation.*;
import lombok.Data;

@Tool(name="demo", displayName = "Demo", cmd="echo", description="Demo for the tooling.")
public class DemoPayload implements Payload {
    @MainParameter(displayName ="Main", description="Main parameter for this tool.")
    private String main;

    @NumberParam(displayName ="NumInt", param="num-int", description="number integer demo ", min=0., max=100., step=1.)
    private Integer numInt = 50;

    @NumberParam(displayName ="NumDouble", param="num-double", description="number double demo ", min=0.1, max=99.9, step=.1)
    private Double numDouble = 66.6;

    @StringParam(displayName ="String", param="string", description="String demo", paramType = ParameterType.EQUALS)
    private String string;

    @BooleanParam(displayName ="Bool", param="bool1", description="boolean demo")
    private Boolean bool;

    @EnumParam(displayName = "color", param = "--color", description="color selection")
    private Color color;

    @FileParam(displayName = "file", param = "--file-ca", accept = "*.abc", description = "File upload" )
    private String file;
    @ServerParam(param = "--optionXXX", handler = XXXHandler.class)
    private String xxx;
    @FixedParam(param = "--warnings")
    private String warnings = "off";

The following parameter type are supported.

Please check the existing payload under /src/main/java/io/github/johannesschaefer/webnettools/payload for more examples.

To make the tool available, please enter the name of the tool in the Dockerfile (ENV AVAILABLE_TOOLS, used as default for the Docker image) and in the Java file Producer (ConfigProperty availableTools, used at development time).