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angular2-promise-buttons is a simple module that let's you add a loading indicator to a button of your choice. Check out the demo!

Bug-reports or feature request as well as any other kind of feedback is highly welcome!

Getting started

Install it via npm:

npm install angular2-promise-buttons -S

And add it as a dependency to your main module

import {Angular2PromiseButtonModule} from 'angular2-promise-buttons';

  imports: [
export class MainAppModule {

Using the buttons is easy. Just pass a promise to the directive:

<button (click)="someAction()" 
   [promiseBtn]="promiseSetBySomeAction">Click me to spin!</button>
export class SomeComponent {
    // some example async action, but this works with any promise
      this.promiseSetBySomeAction = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(resolve, 2000);

Styling the button

To give you maximum flexibility there are no base styles coming with the directive, but it is easy to fix that! There are lots of free css-spinners out there. Just find one of your liking and add the css to your global stylesheet.


There are selectors you can use to style. There is the .is-loading class on the button, which is set, when the promise is pending and there is the <span class="btn-spinner"></span> element inside the button.


Configuration is done via the forRoot method of the promise button module:

import {Angular2PromiseButtonModule} from 'angular2-promise-buttons';

  imports: [
        // your custom config goes here
        spinnerTpl: '<span class="btn-spinner"></span>',
        // disable buttons when promise is pending
        disableBtn: true,
        // the class used to indicate a pending promise
        btnLoadingClass: 'is-loading',
        // only disable and show is-loading class for clicked button, 
        // even when they share the same promise
        handleCurrentBtnOnly: false,
export class MainAppModule {

Using observables

When you're using the module with observables make sure to pass a subscription to the directive rather than an observable directly.

const FAKE_FACTORY = {
  initObservable: (): Observable<number> => {
    return new Observable(observer => {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 4000);

// DO:
const observable = FAKE_FACTORY.initObservable();
this.passedToDirective = observable.subscribe(
// ...
// DON'T DO:
const observable = FAKE_FACTORY.initObservable();
this.passedToDirective = observable;

Using booleans

Is now also possible.

<button (click)="someAction()" 


Contribution guidelines: CONTRIBUTING.md