

Stride Simple Water

Simple water material with screen space refractions, bad fake caustics, smoth edges and some depth fog.


Graphics Compostior

Forward Renderer must have Bind Depth As Resoruce During Transparent Rendering and Bind Opaque As Resoruce During Transparent Rendering checked.

Material Setup

Instructions assume that a material of type PBR Material: Metalness is used.


Micro Surface / Gloss map

Set to a high value


Pick a color

Specular / Metalness

Set to 0


Set to Water Emissive Map. Most of the water shading is calculated in this custom feature. Set the caustics texture to something, the rest of the options should have sane default. Set the ripples texutre to the ripples render target.


Set to blend with alpha = 1, this is just to force rendering of the material to happen in the transparent stage


Use a plane with whatever UV scale works for your scene.

Interactive Ripples

Ripples requires a particle system that renders into a specific render group. A render target should be setup, and the compositor has to be modified to render to this texture. The particle system render group should be excluded from the main view in the compositor.