

OPA Dependency Manager (ODM)

ODM is a tool for managing dependencies for Open Policy Agent (OPA) projects.

NOTE: This is an experimental project not officially supported by the OPA team or Styra.

$ odm init my_project
$ cd my_project
$ odm depend --no-namespace rego-test-assertions \
$ mkdir src

$ cat <<EOF > src/policy.rego
package main

import data.test.assert

foo := 42

test_foo {
    assert.equals(42, foo)

$ odm test

An example project can be found here.


Where you have your .rego project/files.

Setup new project

$ odm init [project name]

Add a dependency

$ odm depend <dependency name> <dependency path>

In opa.project:

  <dependency name>: <dependency path>

Local dependency

Local dependencies can be specified with relative or absolute paths, or URLs.:


Git dependency

Git dependencies are URLs prefixed with git+:


Update dependencies

$ odm update

Evaluating policies


$ odm eval -- 'data.main.allow'

if a source folder is specified in opa.project, it will be automatically included in the evaluation.

Testing policies


$ odm test -- -d policy.rego

if a source folder is specified in opa.project, it will be automatically included in the evaluation.


By default, dependencies are namespaced by their declared name.

When a dependency is namespaced, all contained Rego packages will be prefixed with the namespace. E.g.: a dependency with the following package structure:

 +-- bar
 |   +-- baz
 +-- qux   

when namespaced with utils, it will have the following structure:

 +-- foo
     +-- bar
     |   +-- baz
     +-- qux   

Transitive dependencies will be namespaced as well. Any transitive dependency already namespaced by its enclosing dependency project will have its packages prefixed by the namespace assigned by the enclosing project, and then by the namespace defined in the main project, recursively.

Custom namespace

$ odm dep my_dep file:/path/to/dependency -n mynamespace

In opa.project:

    path: file:/path/to/dependency
    namespace: mynamespace

Disabling namespacing

$ odm dep my_dep file:/path/to/dependency --no-namespace

In opa.project:

    path: file:/path/to/dependency
    namespace: false

The opa.project file

The opa.project file is a YAML file that contains the project configuration.


name: <project name>
source: <source path>
  <dependency name>: <dependency path>


namestringnoneThe name of the project.
sourcestring, []stringnoneThe path to the source folder. If specified, the source directory will be automatically included in the eval and test commands. Can either be the path of a single directory, or a list of directories.
testsstring, []stringnoneThe path to the test folder. If specified, the test directory will be automatically included in the test command. Can either be the path of a single directory, or a list of directories.
dependenciesmapA map of dependency declaration, keyed by their name.
dependencies.<name>map, stringnoneA dependency declaration. A short form is supported, where the dependency value is its location as a string.
dependencies.<name>.locationstringnoneThe location of the dependency.
dependencies.<name>.namespacestring, booltrueIf a string: the namespace to use for the dependency. If a bool: if true, use the dependency name as namespace; if false, don't namesapace the dependency.
buildmapSettings for building bundles.
build.outputstring./build/bundle.tar.gzThe location of the target bundle.
build.targetstringregoThe target bundle format. E.g. rego, wasm, or plan
build.entrypoints[]string[]List of entrypoints.