

JWM (Joe's Window Manager)

JWM is a light-weight window manager for the X11 Window System.


To build JWM you will need a C compiler (gcc works), X11, and the "development headers" for X11 and Xlib. If available and not disabled at compile time, JWM will also use the following libraries:


  1. For building from the git repository, run "./autogen.sh".
  2. Run "./configure --help" for configuration options.
  3. Run "./configure [options]"
  4. Run "make" to build JWM.
  5. Run "make install" to install JWM. Depending on where you are installing JWM, you may need to perform this step as root ("sudo make install").


See LICENSE for license information.

For more information see http://joewing.net/projects/jwm/