

NOTE This repository is archived and read-only. This fork of vim-minisnip was meant to be for simple bug fixes while retaining the simplicity of the original. I do not wish to add features to vim-minisnip (in fact, I want to remove some).

This fork has the following (backwards compatible) fixes/improvements:

It does not break compatibility with the [original vim-minisnip](https://github.com/KeyboardFire/vim-minisnip], only improves it.

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Minisnip allows you to quickly insert "templates" into files. Among all the other snippet plugins out there, the primary goal of minisnip is to be as minimal and lightweight as possible.

There is a deoplete source available here


Use your favourite plugin manager to install minisnip:


Plug 'joereynolds/vim-minisnip'


cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://github.com/joereynolds/vim-minisnip.git


NeoBundle 'joereynolds/vim-minisnip'


To get started with minisnip, create a directory called ~/.vim/minisnip. Then placing a file called foo inside of it will create the foo snippet, which you can access by typing foo<Tab> in insert mode.

Filetype-aware snippets are also available. For example, a file called _java_main will create a main snippet only when filetype=java, allowing you to add ex. a _c_main snippet and so on.

Here is a demo of the basic features of minisnip:

demo GIF 1

Here is another example that shows how arbitrary code can be executed from within a snippet, allowing dynamic snippets based on the file name or other conditions:

demo GIF 2

View the docs to learn the snippet syntax and options.

View the examples to see syntax examples.

Minisnip is licensed under MIT.