

🚀 Codeception Action

GitHub Release License

Runs your codeception tests.

Supports all workflow event types.



Via GitHub Workflow

- name: tests
  uses: joelwmale/codeception-action@master

Optional Configuration

If a FRAMEWORK is configured then you should also configure ENV_FILE

FRAMEWORK: laravel
ENV_FILE: .env.test

Supplying a framework & env file is not required. It will by default just run codeception from the vendor folder.

Framework - Laravel

If the specified framework is laravel then additionally the following happens:


It is highly recommended to use the action is an explicit commit SHA-1

uses = "joelwmale/codeception-action@master@{sha-1}" to find a commit click here: https://github.com/joelwmale/codeception-action/commits/master


If you find any issues or have an improvement feel free to submit an issue


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.