


nigroni-mgo-session is a simple Negroni middleware/handler for easy mgo session management in requests. It handles creating a new mongo session in the begning of a request and handles closing the mongo session at the end of request.

Getting Started

  1. Before getting started make sure we have a copy of MongoDB running and is accessible. Running it locally would be recommended, but if thats not an option you can run on a remote server. Makes sure the mongo server is accessible, and you have a Mongo collection created within the database. If you haven't installed nigroni-mgo-session, you can run the below command to install it.

    go get github.com/joeljames/nigroni-mgo-session
  2. This package will be used with nigroni and mgo. If you haven't installed the dependencies you could install run the below command.

    • To install Nigroni run the command below.

      go get github.com/codegangsta/negroni
    • To install mgo run the command below.

      go get gopkg.in/mgo.v2
  3. Now lets add an example which demonstrates the usage of this middleware. I have added comments to the example to explain the usage.

    • Now, that you have a running instance of MongoDB you can Shell into mongo by running the command below.

    • Create your database and collection and insert some data into the collection.

      use db
      db.widget.insert({'id': '123'});
      db.widget.insert({'id': '456'});
    • Set your DATABASE_URL and DATABASE_NAME environment variable.

      export DATABASE_URL=mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/db
      export DATABASE_NAME=db
    • If you have the package and dependency downloaded, you could simple copy the above example to a file example.go and then run the command go run example.go to start up the server.

        package main
        import (
            nigronimgosession "github.com/joeljames/nigroni-mgo-session"
        func main() {
            // Use the MongoDB `DATABASE_URL` from the env
            dbURL := os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL")
            // Use the MongoDB `DATABASE_NAME` from the env
            dbName := os.Getenv("DATABASE_NAME")
            // Set the MongoDB collection name
            dbColl := "widget"
            fmt.Println("Connecting to MongoDB: ", dbURL)
            fmt.Println("Database Name: ", dbName)
            fmt.Println("Collection Name: ", dbColl)
            // Creating the database accessor here.
            // Pointer to this database accessor will be passed to the middleware.
            dbAccessor, err := nigronimgosession.NewDatabaseAccessor(dbURL, dbName, dbColl)
            if err != nil {
            n := negroni.Classic()
            // Registering the middleware here.
            mux := http.NewServeMux()
            mux.HandleFunc("/", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
                // You can access the nms object from the request context.
                // The nms object is stored in key `nigronimgosession.KEY`.
                ctx := request.Context()
                nms := ctx.Value(nigronimgosession.KEY).(*nigronimgosession.NMS)
                // Now lets perform a count query using mgo db object.
                count, _ := nms.DB.C("widget").Find(nil).Count()
                fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Determining the count in the collection using the db object. \n\n")
                fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Total number of object in the mongo database: %d  \n\n", count)
                // You can access the mgo session object from the request object.
                // The session object is stored in key `mgoSession`.
                count2, _ := nms.Session.DB(dbName).C("widget").Find(nil).Count()
                fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Determining the count in the collection using the session object. \n\n")
                fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Total number of object in the mongo database: %d  \n\n", count2)
  4. Assuming you are running the server locally, you can hit http://localhost:3000/ to see the output.


  1. Fork the package on Github

    git clone https://github.com/joeljames/nigroni-mgo-session.git
    cd nigroni-mgo-session
  2. Create a new local branch to submit a pull request.

    git checkout -b name-of-feature
  3. Commit your changes

    git commit -m "Detailed commit message"
    git push origin name-of-feature
  4. Submit a pull request.