

embedmongo-maven-plugin Build Status Maven Central

Maven plugin wrapper for the flapdoodle.de embedded MongoDB API.

This plugin lets you start and stop an instance of MongoDB during a Maven build, e.g. for integration testing. The Mongo instance isn't strictly embedded (it's not running within the JVM of your application), but it is a managed instance that exists only for the lifetime of your build.



        <!-- optional, default 27017 -->
        <!-- optional, default is false, if true allocates a random port and overrides embedmongo.port -->
        <!-- optional, default 2.2.1 -->
        <!-- optional, default is none. Enables flapdoodle.embed.mongo features, for example to build Windows download URLs since 3.6 -->
        <!-- optional, default is a new dir in java.io.tmpdir -->
        <!-- optional (file|console|none), default console -->
        <!-- optional, can be used when logging=file, default is ./embedmongo.log -->
        <!-- optional, can be used when logging=file, default is utf-8 -->
        <!-- optional, default is to listen on all interfaces -->
        <!-- optional, default is http://fastdl.mongodb.org/ -->

        <!-- optional, default is /tmp -->
        <!--optional, one of wiredTiger or mmapv1 (default is mmapv1) -->
        <!-- optional, skips this plugin entirely, use on the command line like -Dembedmongo.skip -->
        <!-- optional, default 2.2.1 -->

        <!-- a directory containing scripts to run -->
        <!-- optional, valid charset encoding for loading the scripts. Uses the underlying charset encoding of the platform if not assigned -->
        <!-- the name of the database to run scripts against -->
        <!-- optional, default 2.2.1 -->

        <!-- optional, name of the default database to import data -->
        <!-- optional, default false, if true it launches in parallel all imports -->
        <!-- optional, default false, if true it will wait forever after it imports the data -->
            <!-- optional, name of the database, if null it will fallback to defaultImportDatabase -->
            <!-- optional, collection to import data into (will use <file> to derive this otherwise) -->
            <!-- required, name of the json file to import -->
            <!-- optional, default true, if true it will do an upsert on each document imported -->
            <!-- optional, default true, if true it will do a drop the collection before starts to import -->
            <!-- optional, default 20000, it will fail if it takes more than this time importing a file (time in millis) -->
          <!-- More imports are accepted and it will be executed in strictly order (if parallel is not set) -->


Copyright © 2012 Joe Littlejohn