

Greeting Service Kata

A Code Kata intended to practice TDD Outside-In.


Hello developer! :wave: At the HELLO WORLD! Inc. company we are excited to develop and release a new idea into the market! We want to build a new service to send customized greeting messages to our users.

Here you'll find few requirements

Try to complete each feature before proceeding to the next one. We like to work iteratively.

Feature One

Just a Greeting

When a greeting message is requested
Then the system will reply with "Hello my friend!"

Feature Two

Greeting a User with a customized message!

When a User with the name Joe request a greeting message
Then the system will reply with a customized message that says:
"Hello Joe!"

Feature Three

Greeting a User by choosing a random greeting message from a set of messages

When a User with the name Joe request a greeting message
Then the system will reply with a customized message that says:
"Hey Joe, nice to see you here!"

List of predefined messages


Feature Four

Greeting a User by choosing a greeting message from a predefined set of messages, based on the time of the day.

Requesting a greeting message early in the morning

When a User with the name Joe request a greeting message
And the time is early in the morning
Then the system will reply with a customized message that says:
"Good morning, Joe! The sun is high and shining!"

List of predefined messages based on the time



The inspiration of this Code Kata comes from String Calculator Kata, The Goose Game Kata, RPG Combat Kata and GOOS style TDD by Example - Sagy Rozman.